Choices we make today will determine creative possibilities we’ll encounter going forward. Not that we always need specific goals to direct our creative juices. Sheer delight that creativity offers is enough. Let’s say we start our day with fresh coffee aromas, serotonin spikes a sense of well being in response,… Read more »
Imagine a back to school challenge that draws on your unique brainpower? Or a new opportunity to re-start an old habit in a fresh way, with rejuvenating mental benefits? All through mind-bending facts from the brain sciences, and from Dr. Norman Doidge’s Books: The Brain that Changes Itself, and The… Read more »
Imagine the wonder of a class where teens and young adults love to run to and meet their genius! What will you do to raise IQ and add wonder into your circles? YOUR TURN! Join our Brain Based Circles! Would love to meet you at any of the following! Brain… Read more »