Tag Archives: political leaders

Your Brain on the Power of Kind! Cutthroat or Care?

We’ve all benefited from caring and compassionate leaders. We’ve learned from mentors who appear to escape cutthroat tactics that hardwire cynics’ brains.  And we’ve marshaled up victories with coaches who spearhead care. Most of us at one time or another, build or find the kind of support that advances people… Read more »

Beyond Gridlock and Compromise – through Diversity

Recently we watched national leaders lose what could have been a life-changing opportunity for world class growth. Sadly, they settled for gridlock with compromise at best. No wonder markets plummeted – along with a nation’s hope and trust.

Beyond Gridlock and Compromise

Imagine instead if political leaders had led diversity as a noble concept? Have you noticed how people tend to pass over what differs, judge harshly what they lack courage to try, and reject approaches that seem less familiar?