adminComments Off on Lead Innovation from Where You Stand
What problem lies in your way at the moment so that you feel unable to transform into an innovative solution? Once you identify that barrier, you set the stage for your brain based solution. Without question, organizational change can seem daunting at first glance. That’s why we start with new… Read more »
adminComments Off on 25 Facts to Rejuvenate Your Well-being
Imagine brain boosters that would rock your day, raise your IQ and remind you of endless new possibilities open to you! Mental quotes to motivate you. Discover lesson planner with built-in daily brain boosters!
It’s Christmas for some and other winter holiday for other — a time for giving! It’s also recession for many – a time for surviving! So how can we give generously without losing our shoes in the process? Few would deny that when people give freely from the heart, everybody… Read more »
Luckily we can overcome our brain’s default for ruts that foster poor tone as evidenced in many conflicts – to create instead – tone for an innovative world order forward. 1. Affirm another person’s thoughts before sharing your views on the other side – to show that you really heard,… Read more »
It’s no secret that secondary schools stunt teens’ talent, yet where is the stir for strategies to boost brainpower they bring to class daily? Sit through a university lecture, and you’ll agree that brainpower remains untapped, even for faculty. Learners hold amazing segues into mental reserves, yet educational organizations look… Read more »
adminComments Off on Five Checkpoints to Brain Based Learning
If you agree that traditional learning ignores the brain’s amazing capabilities to excel, you’ll likely also agree that Mita Brain Based learning approaches could add successful opportunities to the learning process. How so? We at the Mita Brain Based Center see all humans as capable of developing far more brainpower for both personal and group growth…. Read more »