In today’s New York Times, Steve Lohr crowned Steve Jobs as Master of Design.
Countless writers and commenters agree to Job’s genius that changed our world with technology.
Lohr’s post points to Job’s growth from mentor in his earlier years – who …
… was notoriously hands-on, meddling with details and berating colleagues.
Yet later, Lohr reflects, at Job’s second stint at Apple he differed, in that he
… relied more on others, listening more and trusting members of his design and business teams.
Mentoring in today’s corporate culture looks a lot like hands-on meddling – that tends to replicate past possibilities and miss genius gateways forward. Have you seen it?
Those who refuse to unpack idols worshiped in the past era, struggle to risk innovative alternatives for the coming era. We still tend to worrship 10 barriers to innovation …
Both profitable experts and talented upstarts claim to see unlimited potential in shared wisdom. Yet in most current mentoring programs, seasoned gurus advise clever cronies to operate much like themselves, in spite of rapidly changing workplace horizons. Few would disagree that it’s time to shift tutoring approaches to reflect more balanced and reciprocal coaching. Guidance based more on brainpower potential, and experience from differences than merely on age or seniority.