Thankfulness circles into serotonin well being and fuels the human brain for surprising outcomes. Today, for instance, I received an unexpected reminder of from Sue Dungey, a game-changing waitress I encountered at Brantford’s, Williams Fresh Cafe on Market St. How so?
MBA students at the Bitner School of Business in New York lead innovation with the brain in mind during their course by the same name. See their dynamic innovation story over at Forbes and at Brain Based Biz. This leadership class differs from traditional lectures, presentations, or illustrated ideas. Students… Read more »
Before you pony up $50,000 or more for an MBA degree, catch Stu Wall‘s discovery at Business Insider! It makes sense to check out what you can expect back for your investment. Recession begs us to rethink business schools, and to consider if the value of degrees have plummeted along… Read more »