adminComments Off on Brainpower of play – Roundtable 10
When Einstein named imagination more important than knowledge he showed our brain’s propensity to play! In reality though, we put in more work hours with more demands and accept more stressors, in ways that limit or flat out halt productivity. Without play, we grind talent to a halt, learn to… Read more »
adminComments Off on How Many Literacies to Engage?
We all come equipped with multiple literacies of which we use very few as learners. Take your brain back to the last lecture or meeting you endured, and you’ll likely agree with research that shows how lectures work against human brains. It’s the same for meetings where few people talk… Read more »
adminComments Off on One Day From Inside Your Brain!
A Day in the Life of Our Brain WHAT WOULD ONE WORK DAY LOOK LIKE FROM INSIDE OUR BRAIN? Have you ever considered what today looks like from inside our brain? Take a look and we’ll also improve our communication and sharpen several mental skills. We can capitalize on what… Read more »
Laughter restarts parts of the brain that tend to skate off to sleep in the stress or busyness of life. Speaking of skating, my darling daughter invited me to Cora’s for a delicious lunch and then on to the Millennial Place skating rink with her, Hendrik and Frankie. Stories emerged… Read more »
With an advent of multiple intelligences, and new neuro discoveries, we change the question from How smart are you? to ask instead How are you smart? Our new question changes the way we lead and learn successfully! We now know that intelligence is fluid, not fixed and that we can… Read more »
adminComments Off on Does Finding Our American Dream Mean Marching Beyond Our American Schools?
The women’s march toward a new American dream holds a delightful discovery that’s simple, while at the same time it’s frightening. Why hadn’t we seen the answer earlier? During the past year many have wondered, what’s held us back from the kind of dream that strengthens our world? Would you… Read more »