adminComments Off on What is Happiness and Where is it Found?
Happiness is a majestic force that lifts us beyond what we feel life should look like at any moment. It sets a magnificent mental and emotional stage to celebrate life fully as it exists in every current moment. Aristotle said, Happiness depends on ourselves.” What say you? With depression and… Read more »
adminComments Off on Will Today be Grim or Gracious?
Grace is the inner love, light and energy that overjoys us in good times, only to brace, hold and support us in tough times! Grace gives us confidence and calm to avoid doing many things so we can risk running forward with one thing worth doing with kindness and care!… Read more »
adminComments Off on Where is Happiness Found in Our Uncertain World
If you’re looking to find more joy, delight, happiness or a bit of bliss, you’re not alone. Never before have we seen more opposites to our basic happiness. These barriers to contentment leave us in panic, anxiety, misery, depression and overall discontent. Happiness starts with inner kindness we practice, yet… Read more »
adminComments Off on Weighed Down by Guilt or Regret?
To heal from trauma such as guilt or regret we seek safer, secure spaces to bounce back, rather than expect to change others who abuse or accuse. We learn where to find courage and confidence to separate ourselves from the source of suffering and how to silence an inner critic… Read more »