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Fixed ideas of HOW SMART WE ARE keep us busy on gerbil wheels anxiously chasing perfection. Flexible growth mindset ideas of HOW WE ARE SMART keep us risking creativity to grow brilliance. How we think about intelligence has a lot to do with how we take advantage of our abilities… Read more »
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Research now shows how intelligence acts similar to what Ford claimed: “If you say you can or say you can’t – it’s true.” When IQ is seen as fixed however, choices narrow. Why extend our day to include multiple intelligence, if it cannot leave you smarter? Why ramp up personal… Read more »
With an advent of multiple intelligences, and new neuro discoveries, we change the question from How smart are you? to ask instead How are you smart? Our new question changes the way we lead and learn successfully! We now know that intelligence is fluid, not fixed and that we can… Read more »
Intelligence could have been what Ford had in mind when he said: “If you say you can or say you can’t – it’s true.” See your IQ as fluid or fixed and it will become just that. Daily choices literally fuel or fail your unique multiple intelligences. How so?… Read more »
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9. Stretch Your IQ – Rather than expect the same routine, consider new alternatives and write to learn about unusual or unfamiliar topics. Consider what essentials readers should take away from your words. Then invite another writer to review and help edit your conclusion to ensure those takeaways are evident…. Read more »
Those who refuse to unpack idols worshiped in the past era, struggle to risk innovative alternatives for the coming era. We still tend to worrship 10 barriers to innovation …
Let’s say Joe Brilliance joins your department after winning a Nobel Prize for his latest invention. Or, when Mary Mastermind attracts top grants for your organization, does she find stimulating settings suitable to roll out mind-bending research?