Higher Education and Brain Based Benefits Ask the lecturer in this video and he will say he engages listeners. He might even go on to suggest today’s audiences expect too much and give too little. Ask listeners and they may support these 100 reasons to run hard from lectures!… Read more »
2-footed question ,
act opposite of problem ,
art and science ,
assessment ,
basal ganglia ,
brain facts ,
broken systems ,
bureaucracy ,
change ,
change direction ,
ChangingMinds.org ,
chemical and electrical network ,
common sense ,
communication ,
competition ,
consensus ,
cortisol ,
courage ,
creativity ,
curiosity ,
cynic ,
dendrites ,
disagreement ,
diversity ,
Einstein ,
emotion ,
entrepreneur ,
equity ,
ethics ,
facilitation ,
fear ,
focus ,
gender ,
high performance mind ,
higher education ,
hook ,
innovation ,
integrate ,
intuition ,
invention ,
jargon ,
leadership ,
lecture ,
left brain ,
memory ,
meta-message ,
mistakes ,
MITA approaches ,
MITA Celebration ,
MITA manifesto ,
motivation ,
multi task ,
multiple intelligences ,
myths ,
neurogenesis ,
neuron pathways ,
online ,
opposing view ,
organizational brainpower ,
perfectionism ,
persistence ,
plasticity ,
procrastination ,
renewal ,
research ,
rewire brain ,
right brain ,
right brain left brain ,
risks ,
secondary school renewal ,
serotonin ,
simplicity ,
smart skills ,
social justice ,
social network ,
solution ,
talent ,
technology ,
tone ,
toxic workplace ,
university ,
vision ,
working memory ,
Dr. Ellen Weber ,
Dr. Robyn McMaster ,
Higher Education Change Opportunities