Tag Archives: guns

A Case for Guns or Grace?

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Can guns and violence bring peace or open kinder, gentler spaces? Our warring habits, ginormous weapon sales, and battle celebrations would have us believe war brings good from evil! Really? Are peace-giving assumptions about warrior-driven benefits fact or fiction? If we consider new neural findings we see how peace practices… Read more »

Add Care to Character

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What if the popular 20Q (game show) converted into steps for a new culture of character that includes caring?

Two-footed questions improve the odds for building good character in schools, colleges and workplaces, in several ways. The two feet simply add action to asking, and include reflections on both sides of the brain for solutions.

Questioners arrive at the best answers by doing whatever it takes to help people move from traditional limitations into possibilities for finer characters in a new era.

Rather than blame others for violence, and unethical practices, notice that all questions below involve questioners in finding character-building solutions: