Who would deny that we crave intelligent leaders to navigate critical challenges in 2020? And we know that stellar brainpower exists out there, among good people who see from diverse viewpoints. Never before did we need brainpower on the side of truth and compassion! And that poses key questions that… Read more »
Change the question from HOW SMART ARE YOU? to ask instead: HOW ARE YOU SMART? and you’ll ready your brain for life-changing discoveries. Einstein once claimed he was no smarter than others, but that he simply stayed with problems long after others left. Could we solve more problems with finer… Read more »
Have you ever feared failure when you really needed to win? Just as you hit cutting edges of a brilliant opportunity fear can stalk genius – so we all lose.
Scared or Smart?
Terrified‘s a fitting response to salacious front-liners that favor greed and tout ethical lacks to cripple entire communities.
Let’s say Joe Brilliance joins your department after winning a Nobel Prize for his latest invention. Or, when Mary Mastermind attracts top grants for your organization, does she find stimulating settings suitable to roll out mind-bending research?
adminComments Off on Target Agreement in Disagreeable Settings
While some leaders literally wire their brains for gridlock and compromise that can poison communications, it’s also true that disagreements can blast open doors to life-changing ethical insights. When people differ with the brain in mind, they build goodwill among those who differ. How so? If you’ve ever benefited from… Read more »