Tag Archives: Ellen Weber

A Brain on Laughter

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Stopped in your tracks by pressures from financial woes? Tired of a job that’s going nowhere? Without good ideas to lead your innovation? Let laughter crack you up and stir up new aha moments when you need them most. Much more than coping, you can discover new initiatives through comedy, because a lighthearted attitude often brings eureka moments of unexpected inspiration. Research shows that with humor the brain increases activity in your anterior cingulated cortex, in preparation for problem solving.

Brainpowered Breakthroughs or Design Thinking?

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Design thinking’s defined in many ways, usually related to a process of problem solving that brings talents together, engages diverse thinkers, and creates innovative prototypes. It doesn’t work for most innovators. Why so?

From Mentor to Mindguide

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Both profitable experts and talented upstarts claim to see unlimited potential in shared wisdom. Yet in most current mentoring programs, seasoned gurus advise clever cronies to operate much like themselves, in spite of rapidly changing workplace horizons. Few would disagree that it’s time to shift tutoring approaches to reflect more balanced and reciprocal coaching. Guidance based more on brainpower potential, and experience from differences than merely on age or seniority.

Why is Change so Hard?

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Why is change from traditional to innovative so hard for some to embrace, and how do resources shift from people who guard status quo – to innovative leaders who sustain communities of passion? How would you answer?

5 Brainpowered Tools – Endless New Jobs

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Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve Chair, challenged leaders in today’s Associated Press, for US organizations to view a new economy with stronger job creation. Bernanke warned the White House to come up with a plan for job creation. Since the unemployment rate sneaked up to 9.5 per cent it’s a critical… Read more »

10 Marks of Brainpowered Talent

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Do you possess that sense wonder that rolls out unique talents? When organizational growth depends on making more products, in less time, with fewer people for increased dollars, what do you grow? If you crave  innovation’s wealth more than mass production, it’s worth another glance at top talent development. See… Read more »

Lead Questions for Innovative Brainpower

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What if you were to ask one innovative question to a leader you encounter? Imagine the ground-breaking results for workplace solutions you pioneer. Yet experts remind us how innovation loses when senior management remains locked in the past – and innovative workers go unsupported. It doesn’t have to be that… Read more »

25 Ways to Boost Brainpower in a Recession

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How are you riding rough waves or unfair performance reviews – see Forbes – that shout recession at work? Perhaps you’re looking for  opportunities that fit your skills. Keith Hall, commissioner of the US Bureau of Labor Stats, spoke to Boston Globe staff  this week, about the severe recession that… Read more »

Plasticity’s Pathways to Innovation

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Have you seen good ideas crushed by bullies, cynics or naysayers where you work?  Before Michael Merzenich became the world’s leading researcher on brain plasticity, cynics with hard science credentials, insisted brainpower and intelligence was fixed. Simply put, people insisted that elderly brains don’t change much, for instance, and that… Read more »

Barry Burnett Drives Brainpower at BDR and MITA

Leaders everywhere call frantically for small businesses to step up  productivity and replace financial pitfalls with profit.  Barry Burnett makes profit a reality for scores of industries across the nation! To learn profitability approaches from Barry is to drop the panic concerns, and stand at the cusp of a new… Read more »