You don’t have to be the sharpest knife in the drawer to spot our culture wiring daily for legal behavior that short-circuits ethics. The cost of fast talking lawyers who lie for money or prestige – and win – comes with additional price tags of abuse that goes beyond historic expenditure.
The news media often makes money its top focus, which adds motivation for people to spend more, travel more and cozy up more to people of means. Sadly, dollars at your center also motivate you to chase green backs, more than character build, invent new innovations, or put other people… Read more »
New York burns while Albany fiddles. News of political infighting, stalemates, accusations and posturing flood us daily, while opportunities for greatness fade for NY. A closer look, though, shows bureaucracy working against ethical brainpower. How so? Neuro discoveries uncover organizational problems and possibilities. 1. Secondary schools and universities in crisis… Read more »