adminComments Off on Waves of Brainpower and Electricity
Electrical activity in your brain is as central to your intelligence as electrical lights are to your home. Researchers predict the brain is organized by a hierarchy of electrical waves that control how one neuron communicates to another neuron. We’ve heard that external forces such as cell phone emissions, especially… Read more »
Electrical activity in your brain is as central to your intelligence as electrical lights are to your home. Researchers predict the brain is organized by a hierarchy of electrical waves that control how one neuron communicates to another neuron. We’ve heard that external forces such as cell phone emissions, especially… Read more »
It’s no secret that teens drop out of secondary schools at alarming rates, or that parents complain about wasted tax dollars in broken schools, or that faculty vent about lack of relevancy and low standards. Yet, while most agree that secondary schools stomp out the very mental resources teens bring… Read more »
adminComments Off on Target Multiple Intelligences – Run from Lectures
Take your brain back to the last lecture or meeting you endured, and you’ll likely agree with research that shows how lectures work against human brains. It’s the same for meetings where few people talk for the most part. You retain less than 5% heard in lectures, while you retain… Read more »
We’ve all met dynamic people who know just where they are headed, and observed flounderers who appear headed nowhere. But have you considered the mental dividends that come with setting clear targets, as Zig Ziglar described in this video. Do you know how to reboot for focus? Human brains rewire… Read more »
adminComments Off on Compelling Case Against Change…
Have you heard reasons given by people who cling to tired routines? The other day the dean of a university’s education department claimed to his audience that he’d like to make changes, but that his university was required to train teachers for schools that already exist out there. Not one… Read more »
adminComments Off on Flexibility’s Force and Foibles
Just as top gymnasts bend without breaking, flexible brains adapt with unbelievably pliable approaches. Did you know – Human brains come equipped with flexibility, or plasticity, that takes exercise to sustain? Plasticity, or mental elasticity has less to do with age and far more to do with choices? People are… Read more »
adminComments Off on Greed, Wall Street, Diversity and Risk
How many times have you noticed that your own finances have little to do with fast talking wily schemes and rhetoric pumped out by those who control Wall Street’s purse strings? Yet, who would risk change to a financial system that serves so much greed to so-called winners and even… Read more »
Did you know that your amygdala stores every emotional response we choose to make? Or are you aware that the same responses – both good and bad – will get filed in our amygdala and then become our reactions to any similar situations that arise? MYG (short for amygdala), is… Read more »