To support colleagues and draw support from peers means to first discover what brains crave in common and how they operate. How so? Imagine for instance, that we could build a learning community together to support all. Imagine that each will benefit from shared strengths that improve our circles daily…. Read more »
Conflict grows perilous for those who lack brainpowered tools, yet disagreement’s add linchpins of growth for those equipped with sharp mental tactics. Watch warfare erupt in your circles and you’ll likely see 1 of 10 instigators: 1. Angry folks show few skills to tame their amygdala. 2. Stubborn people often… Read more »
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Imagine back to school with benefits for learners and teachers brains much like the sizzling sun adds play in summer. I plan to start the year with brain based benefits that extend many wonders of summer fun into celebrations that learning adds. How about you? … Read more »
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Leadership is changing fast and if ASTD is right in 2012 Leadership Handbook – a new kind of leader is already on the horizon! Could any of the new era leaders listed below help to usher in that finer future we all crave?
Leaders say learners don’t understand new ideas. Learners say leaders rarely offer new ideas. I say that play packs the punch to boost brainpower for a new innovation era. That’s why you’ll want to check back soon for the debut of FUNUDERSTAND – an Online simulation game based on play.
Those who refuse to unpack idols worshiped in the past era, struggle to risk innovative alternatives for the coming era. We still tend to worrship 10 barriers to innovation …