Some insist that tenure’s the way expert faculty ensure free speech without fear of losing jobs. Others protest that tenure keeps ineffective people and blocks brainpower for new initiatives. With more campuses being sued, and relevancy questioned it may be time to take another look and what learners expect and… Read more »
Imagine reinvigorated secondary schools or universities, designed with each learner’s brain in mind. It’s time for the death of education to become the dawn of learning. Time for learning renewal to reinvent your entire community! If you see past broken systems, or catch a glimpse of talented people ahead, you’ve… Read more »
Have you experienced mental power that bubbles over in circles where no brain is left behind? Interactive sessions where creativity trumps criticism, and diversity’s the handmaiden of dignity and innovative virtue? The jury is still out on why some people are smarter. Most agree though, that brilliant solutions tend to… Read more »
The mark of a successful secondary school is motivated teens achieving at the peaks. Does it happen in your community? This summer launches Rochester’s first MITA Brain Institute – custom designed for secondary faculty, and poised to reconfigure learning – with the brain in mind. Participants will create curriculum together… Read more »
Each step to renew your workplace ethically and with the brain in mind – casts lights on mental barriers that prevent change in stagnant organizations. How so? To rethink old approaches is also to take a stand against Hebbian hardwired thought that defaults back to ruts and routines. To upgrade… Read more »
Ever shifted locations, or added a valued addition such as a comfy chair to your workspace, and noticed new solutions popping up as solutions to old problems as a result? Or have new ethical insights added zest to a project after a redesigned workspace? If so, you’ll be interested in… Read more »
Spot any gap where you live or work, regardless of how small, and you may well be staring into the eyeballs of your own destiny. How so? Even though I taught university classes and facilitated top leaders around the world for many years, it still surprises me how few people… Read more »
Some university faculty add value to the learning process. Others clearly do not. That’s not new. But what separates good faculty from those who fail the learning process? New neuro-discoveries changed playing fields yet some faculty cling to sage-on-the-stage mentality. Poor faculty see their role to lecture and test for… Read more »
The moment a problem is spotted – an invention awaits the creative mind. According to Robert Lee Holtz, Wall Street Journal Science Columnist, Researchers found that sudden insights or Eureka moments show unique neural activity in EEG sensors. Interesting, ahha moments of sudden insights are the culmination of an intense… Read more »