Thanks to Frode Heimen for this newly developed Go-To Leader List.
Whole brain leaders spark talents in others! Frode, you have set an example for us all here and inspire us to work harder to advance others as we lead well.
Thanks for this list and kudos for your leadership Frode!
Top 100 Leadership Blogs
# 1
Chris Brogan
(93.46 %)
# 2
Michael Hyatt
(91.01 %)
# 3
Happiness Project
(89.96 %)
# 4
Daniel Pink
(89.77 %)
# 5
How to Change the World
(89.00 %)
# 6
Penelope Trunk
(88.54 %)
# 7
Seth Godin
(88.47 %)
# 8
The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss
(88.29 %)
# 9
Dumb Little Man
(87.98 %)
# 10
(86.02 %)
# 11
Leadership Freak
(83.81 %)
# 12
John Maxwell on Leadership
(83.44 %)
# 13
Rosabeth Moss Kanter
(81.43 %)
# 14
Robin Sharma
(81.13 %)
# 15
(80.61 %)
# 16
Ask a Manager
(79.84 %)
# 17
Switch and Shift
(79.49 %)
# 18
Lead Change Group
(79.48 %)
# 19
Brian Tracy’s Blog
(78.53 %)
# 20
Tweak Your Biz
(78.46 %)
# 21
Leadership Now Leading Blog
(78.40 %)
# 22
(78.12 %)
# 23
Chief Happiness Officer
(75.76 %)
# 24
Life Optimizer
(75.54 %)
# 25
The Small Business Blog
(75.20 %)
# 26
Ron Edmondson
(75.00 %)
# 27
Work Matters
(74.89 %)
# 28
Women on Business
(74.22 %)
# 29
Dale Carnegie Blog
(74.10 %)
# 30
Great Leadership
(73.60 %)
# 31
Workplace Mojo
(73.27 %)
# 32
Business Unplugged
(73.20 %)
# 33
The Entrepreneur Blog
(73.11 %)
# 34
Terry Starbucker
(72.98 %)
# 35
The Glass Hammer
(72.61 %)
# 36
Work Coach Cafe
(72.53 %)
# 37
Harvard Business Review blog
(72.30 %)
# 38
Orrin Woodward Life & Business
(72.29 %)
# 39
LDRLB – LeaderLab
(72.27 %)
# 40
(72.00 %)
# 41
3Q Leadership Blog
(71.91 %)
# 42
Monster Thinking
(71.75 %)
# 43
Lolly Daskal – Lead from Within
(71.54 %)
# 44
Blanchard Leader Chat
(71.53 %)
# 45
A Month of Italy
(71.44 %)
# 46
Tanveer Naseer’s blog
(71.42 %)
# 47
Linked 2 Leadership
(71.22 %)
# 48
Leadership & Learning
(71.10 %)
# 49
Evil HR Lady
(71.03 %)
# 50
The Engaging Brand
(69.99 %)
# 51
Trust Matters
(69.85 %)
# 52
Bob Burg’s Blog
(69.69 %)
# 53
The Business Blog at
(69.19 %)
# 54
Tim Sanders
(68.94 %)
# 55
Chris Lo Curto Leadership & Small Business
(68.47 %)
# 56
The ThoughtLEADERS Blog
(68.41 %)
# 57
Management Innovation eXchange
(68.40 %)
# 58
Grant McCracken
(68.25 %)
# 59
All Things Workplace
(67.94 %)
# 60
Brain Leaders and Learners
(67.61 %)
# 61
800 CEO
(67.52 %)
# 62
Wally Bock’s Three Star Leadership Blog
(67.29 %)
# 63
Mark Sandborn
(67.09 %)
# 64
Dr. Wayne Dyer
(66.78 %)
# 65
Todd Nielsen
(66.28 %)
# 66
Random Acts of Leadership
(66.09 %)
# 67
Kate Nasser
(65.89 %)
# 68
(65.73 %)
# 69
(65.35 %)
# 70
Brad Lomenick
(65.28 %)
# 71
Never Mind the Manager
(64.89 %)
# 72
Re-Imagining the World of Work
(63.54 %)
# 73
I am Jason Seiden
(62.70 %)
# 74
(62.63 %)
# 75
Steve Farber Extreme Leadership
(62.29 %)
# 76
Matthew Taylor’s Blog
(62.23 %)
# 77
Gina Abudi
(62.19 %)
# 78
the Lip-Sticking Blog
(62.19 %)
# 79
Let’s Grow Leaders
(62.09 %)
# 80
Mick’s leadership blog
(62.05 %)
# 81
Rajesh Setty
(62.04 %)
# 82
Anne Egros
(62.03 %)
# 83
Jon Gordon
(61.84 %)
# 84
The Office Blend
(61.77 %)
# 85
Jonathan Pearson
(61.69 %)
# 86
Little Things Matter
(61.40 %)
# 87
Great Leaders Serve
(61.38 %)
# 88
Shep Hyken\’s Customer Service Blog
(61.16 %)
# 89
Jesse Lyn Stoner
(60.54 %)
# 90
The People Equation
(60.32 %)
# 91
45 Things
(60.22 %)
# 92
(60.21 %)
# 93
Dan Schawbel
(60.19 %)
# 94
The Recovering Engineer
(60.15 %)
# 95
Edmonds Consulting
(60.09 %)

Author: Chris Edminds
Twitter: @scedmonds
Twitter: @scedmonds

# 96
Curious Cat
(59.44 %)
# 97
Your Voice of Encouragement
(59.03 %)
# 98
Aspire CS
(58.96 %)
# 99
Success Begins Today
(58.86 %)
# 100
Adrian Swinscoe
(58.86 %)
Frode Heimen is the founder of, the writer behind the leadership blog Never Mind the Manager, and has been blogging since 2007 – and he created a very popular top 100 list in 2011. Thanks Frode!
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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset