Retire Graciously or Voraciously?

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Do we lie about our age, or do others find inspiration from our maturity and mindfulness that come with a few wrinkles? Perhaps more importantly – can we laugh and glance lightheartedly at age and reality because it rocks for us? If so we’re likely the voracious seniors that Plato had in mind when he said: Reality is created by the mind. We can change our reality by changing our mind. ,

If predictable answers fly from our tongue like corn pops over heat, we may want to investigate and weigh a few growth mindset viewpoints?

If friends describe us as gracious and see us as set in our ways, it may be time to step into adventures that come when we choose to feel alive and chase curiosity?

Myth may have it that aging should be about gracious living, but rejuvenating brain facts can help us literally rewire for emotional favor and may support voracious mental curiosity. Sound like a plan you’d enjoy to enhance those golden years. How so?

1. Voracious seniors defy age by tapping multiple hidden and unused intelligences that include EQ (or intrapersonal IQ) and keep folks active in unique performances.

2. Inquiring minds spark more working memory which is less available to those who settle for old or  revert to ruts that shape old socks. Unlike your brain’s basal ganglia that defaults into habits and routines and slides you into ruts, the working memory springs you forward to triumph in life-changing opportunities.Working memory positions new information up front, so other parts of the brain can use it to problem solve. It’s what allows you to keep intelligence fluid and to raise IQ across a wider range of capabilities.

3. Curious elderly hold Alzheimer’s disease at bay, and reboot their minds well beyond golden years.  Check out the Sisters of Notre Dame who beat the pathology of aging brains.

4. Interested seniors learn from opposites, and suggest solutions with more of the brain in mind.  How so? While satisfied seniors tend to burn out through boredom,  lively elders adjust mental thermostats to burn stronger with interest that leads them to life’s peaks.

5. Flexible seniors tap natural chemicals to refuel their brains for better flexibility as they go. While it’s true that older workers sometimes get sidelined unfairly, lively seniors rewire their dendrite brain cell  extensions daily for change and winning solutions even when life loses its grip.

Whether your brain is active at a vital workplace or retired from a lifelong career, every action you do today will physically and mentally reshape your brain for more of the same tomorrow. Why not survey your intelligences to see what’s up and running well today, and don’t forget to also look at what still lies hidden or unused.  Both strengths and weaknesses can help you shape life-changing tasks you plan for tomorrow.

Each choice we make in any day will shape our brain for EQ at any age. Dr. Robyn McMaster shows how nutrients also turbo-charge voracious senior brains, for instance, and sleep choices are vital too. What could we do today shape mind-bending performances, by rewiring for higher EQ at any age?

What Works to Renew What’s Broke?
We all see lonely and anxious  seniors, we hear about failed health care provision, and we feel the crunch of a shrunken public purse. Yet it’s only when we trigger a will to improve, can we spark flames from the fiery wit and wisdom of seniors.  Fortunately seniors’ brains possess all they need to prosper and thrive. That’s why it makes sense that they find synergy for success when we collaborate with them beyond their daily realities into growth mindset landscapes for a finer, more adventurous future.

How can we help cultivate and celebrate the DNA pool of senior’s acumen?  In other words, how can we inspire seniors to help us renew what’s broke?  Imagine the wonder if we  build vibrant communities among diverse seniors, to replace the broken and stagnant systems that serve them in name only at this time? What if we plan possibilities together for win/win brain boost benefits that we could generate for and with our elders?

Seniors could benefit more from higher autonomy that a growth mindset affirms, for instance.  Families could also benefit through novel practices modeled that capitalize on senior brainpower over a lifetime of their learning and leading innovations to better their lives.  Leaders could benefit through seniors energized for success through unleashing their mental and emotional well-being. Learners could learn how to avoid that fixed mindset that may feel prepared but fails to thrive.

As a senior myself I consider it an honor to participate in growth mindset learning and leading adventures alongside and in collaboration with seniors.  With our typical government emphasis on saving money, we’d first access waves that ebb and flow freely and even fiercely at times, with retiree talent.  Our growth mindset work and lifetime research leads us to want to report and support diverse senior  success stories as a way to light torches and illumine pathways for others who have left their busy lifestyles for better paced growth opportunities that include much wisdom for all ages.

Let’s cultivate new landscapes together from adventures senior have already launched, along with a growth mindset to help one another reach beyond lack of senior growth to enjoy a mindset together that thrives throughout golden years.

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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset

8 thoughts on “Retire Graciously or Voraciously?

  1. Pingback: Brain Based Solutions to Toxins at Work – Brain Leaders and Learners

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  7. eweber Post author

    Ramana, this shows a keen celebration of age that adds hope to the future regardless of years. I’ve always seen deep value in friendships with people of many ages too.

    Sadly, we often lose older people, who pass on long before we are ready to let them go, and that has happened to me with one of the wisest friends of my lifetime.

    Still the differences in ages keeps one’s mind alive and in tune with meaning at so many unique levels.

    Seniors have so many proclivities that they have yet to unpack in those golden years and it is an enormous privilege to help them see genuine plasticity in the older brain — a fact we knew little about until recently.

    Thanks for bringing that idea to the fore.

  8. rummuser

    I am an unusual case. I have always had relationships with older persons and even married an older woman. Even today, my friends, who are the closest to me are at least five years older than I am and most are ten and older. As a teenager, I found friends of my own age immature and felt more comfortable around older people.

    Today, I find that the older friends look to me to keep them informed and younger ones to inspire them. I guess that since I am a voracious reader and by nature a curious person, I can look forward to a comfortable future!

    rummusers last blog post..Values Learned From Parents.

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