It’s easy to default to ruts simply by asking dead-end questions.
Two-footed questions delve beyond rigid routines that lie in the brain’s basal ganglia. They lead to personal growth and organizational change from within the brain’s working memory.
Compare regular questions below, to two-footed zingers and see how it happens.
Regular question 1: What feedback did you get back on your idea?
Two-footed questions lead to innovative change by asking: What key suggestion would a brilliant leader make and how will that improve your project’s execution?
Foot one: relates to content (or to your project idea in this case) Foot two: relates to your engagement with the content (as it leads to innovative action.)
Regular question 2. How did an expert’s suggestion impact your project?
Brain based two-footed question or follow-up might ask here: What did an expert suggest, that will improve the way you proceed on your project idea today?
Foot one: relates to content (or expert wisdom sought in this case) Foot two: relates to your engagement with that content (as wisdom leads to visible innovative action.)
Regular question 3: What was your best contribution to the team?
Brain based two-footed question or follow-up might ask here: What contribution did you make that inspired the team to grow personal strengths that improved group outcomes?
Foot one: relates to content (or your specific contribution in this case) Foot two: relates to your inspired implementation of that content (as inspired the group’s improved innovative action.)
Regular question 4: What can you do to collaborate more?
Brain based two-footed question might ask instead: What collaborative task will improve your team-building contributions today, and how will others benefit?
Foot one: relates to content (or your collaborative task in this case) Foot two: relates to your team building improvements and group outcomes (as you help to lead innovative team gains.)
Regular question: 5. What is one thing that would help your team in a constructive way?
Brain based two-footed question might ask instead: How would you inspire strategies to help an entire team move past stubborn barriers by designing and using a winning approach together?
Regular question: 6. What is one thing you can to better appreciate and affirm the talents and accomplishments of a (specific) team mate?
Brain based two-footed question or follow-up might ask here: 6. Why would a star CNN -TV documentary conclude with the line, “Others speak and feel heard” in your team because you affirmed talents, modeled use of your own strengths, and inspired diverse contributions?
Two-footed questions build stronger teams when you engage the human brain’s natural equipment to resolve puzzles. The opposite is to stress over problems, and research shows that stressed brains rely more on habits that lock you into ruts, rather than progress with winning innovations.
Two footed questions rely on the brain’s working memory whereas regular questions can relate to tired traditions. Two-footed questions open brilliant new approaches to stubborn problems, when engaged well. Did you know, for instance, that two-footed questions move people to see problems with Einstein-like-curiosityfor vibrant answers that can raise IQ.
Rejuvenating brain studies show surefire ways to grow and retain brainpower through regular workouts. Add to mental fitness – questions that engage curiosity through multiple intelligences.
Einstein enlisted curiosity through questions, as a guide to mind-bending performances, and so can you. Like a good engine in winter, curiosity needs to be revved a bit by actions questions cause.
Pose 2-footed questions to rev up curiosity and create life-changing visible solutions. One foot leads into solid facts and the other steps into doable actions for you to lead change.
Do you see sparks for learning and curiosity for leading new approaches to problems people care about?
Consider any crisis you currently face. From a brain based perspective, you might pose this two-footed question:
How can you model or lead mutual growth in this area, in spite of barriers that currently exist?
This 2-footed question raises new curiosity to fuse sound facts together – into solutions that count. While messages of mistrust and cynicism jump out daily, to rob both your coffers and your brainpower, two footed questions offer a road back to prosperity. How will you ask a two-footed question that leads change?
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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset