Why change your furnace filter but ignore dusty mental filters?
Just as new filters remove debris in appliances, freshly inserted filters open new mind views. Research shows how we filter reality through a very real inner view. Your inner voice filters leave you brainy or bankrupt.
That’s why respected innovative leaders:
See time through a supervisor’s eyes, to pace more productively.
See moods though a peers’ eyes, to shift attitudes into upbeat.
See money through an investor’s eyes, to spend wisely.
See health through a fitness guru’s eyes, to eat less and move more.
See relationships through a partner’s eyes, to give rather than expect.
See ethics through a respected leader’s eyes, to make winning choices.
See a talk through a speaker’s eyes, to transform content into real solutions.
We begin each day with mental filters that allow in some things, and block out others.
This article is not about how you create these filters, nor is not about how personal filters are impacted by your gene pool. Those facts discussed in the book Making Change Easy.
This post invites you to insert new filters. Shift views to improve your choices, for instance.
Enjoy refreshing new outcomes, as you consciously look at any part of your day through another’s perspective.
Oh, by the way – do let us know how that new filter changed any actions that followed, and do share your winning results.
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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset