10 Questions for Brilliant Jobs

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Last month we added 80,000 new jobs. The problem? Unemployment still soars to 12.7 million in US according to The Washington Post.

The old workplace is gone for good – yet the new horizons await talented leaders! What will spike new era  jobs talented people neither run from or get axed from?

Consider 10 questions for jobs upswing:

10 questions toward new jobs

1. Could you make or discover more than you buy or  consume?

We force-feed consumerism into flawed financial systems that kill creativity. Let’s run from stress to rediscover innovative jobs that kindle and design revolutionary ideas.

Our materialistic mantras abandon people to bills they can’t pay with money they don’t have for goods they don’t need. One person’s profit need not cause another’s poverty.

Imagine radically restructuring broken banks. How so?

Let’s support winning systems that undergird talented innovators.  Together we can unearth sustainable jobs, that bear little or no resemblance to tired  jobs we’ve lost.

2. Can socially unfair workplaces be repaired?

Until we begin to move ahead in unfair places, we spin wheels at  foothills while a few buy and control castles at peaks.

Let’s build quintessential roadmaps together to advance more socially prosperous jobs. It’s  about forgiving past infractions,  joining diverse talents and meeting shared needs out there.

Have you noticed how simply focusing on fair walkways,  reduces injustices that trap some folks in life’s swamps.

Worth rebooting workplace fairness for change?

3. Could you rethink lost workplace opportunities, and adapt?

What starts with your personal views, framed as possibilities, could alter the nation’s collective inner dialogue for job possibilities.

Think about original jobs we could redesign together! Look at one problem at your current workplace and suggest an adaptation with options to kindle.

Start by  reflecting on whether what you do at work adds to doom or dreams. Then re-position mistakes into stepping stones for your next innovative move forward.

Love what you do – do what you love. The shift shows you’re already well on the road to opening new job opportunities.

Either way, research shows how inner discourse determines mental and emotional health.  Self-talk literally  opens or closes career opportunities.

Let’s alter our nation’s inner dialogue – so naysaying no longer plagues us as self-fulfilled prophecy for joblessness.

4. What tone communicates life-changing performances?

Tone can either capitalize on grace, or lead an entire workforce to disgrace and downgrades.

Thoughtful tone  builds goodwill among even those who disagree. Respectful exchanges help build job-related benefits from opposing views and diverse talents.  Caring communication fosters risks for better jobs with mutual dividends. Have you experienced it?

Good tone helps you disagree with civility when turmoil strikes.  To communicate with other’s interests in mind, is to offer mutual benefits and enhance workplace performance.  Top communication skills are visible in peacemakers and mindguides.

Workers who apply robust relationship builders tend to lead effective problem-solving tactics across differences.

In contrast,  organizations that tout poor tone, tend to kill  creativity and diminish job opportunities.

Bottom-lines plummet daily through dysfunctional tone practices.

5. Do lasting wins capitalize  on differences where you work?

Diversity at its best – offers different approaches to shared targets.

Why settle for compromise when you can enjoy new prospects through job-related growth opportunities? Diversity offers colors, textures, shapes and sounds for novelty that jumpstarts brainpower.

Have you ever watched a leader lose life-changing openings for a world-class job?  Rather than risk being different, some folks stoke sameness and then try to outfox an opponent’s best ideas with much the same tactics.

Conformism  is no recipe for achieving new or different outcomes. Innovation, on the other hand,  chisels out new entryways with others, into unique structures.

Rather than collaborate, we settle for gridlock with compromise at the expense of lost jobs for deserving people. No wonder markets plummet daily – along with our nation’s faith, hope and trust.

When we access winning jobs within diversity’s pikes – we uncover hidden and untapped work opportunities.  We invite innovative start-ups and prosper numerous talents.

6. Do your talents align with interesting work opportunities?

When I taught at University of Toronto, a colleague in another department invited me to co-write an article so he could get promoted to dean.

Andy’s   strengths included  health and wellness, yet he lack writing skills to get published in a top journal.  Both experience and mastery in physical education, and  the physiology of wellness earned my colleague several national awards.

My friend’s request taught me an important lesson about mixing talents and tossing differences together to enhance projects. He proposed simply to borrow my linguistic penchant so that we could co-create a winning product across our differences. The result?

Inspired by Andy’s vast skills for well being, I took up golf shortly soon we brought together our talents.

That shared venture worked well,  our 1997 article published in JOPERD, and I learned how talents come together to meet higher marks for all.

Unsuccessful mergers follow when we underestimate key intelligences among people – unique traits that people possess which could add high dividends to any combined effort.

When we ignore cultural differences we do so at our peril. To benefit from mergers is to mine people’s proclivities for peak performances from many angles.

7. Do  you  risk leading revolutionary practices?

Expect revolutionary ideas and you’ll get more emerging trends in management.

In ASTD’s 2012 leader’s handbook, we find new expectations for changing horizons.  Workplaces uncover new discoveries  when we lead change to meet the needs of our innovation era.

Workers catch their stride by using unique tools to open job opportunities – and shifting directions outwit traditional stagnation.

Most agree that it’s time to push against worn or tired workplace edges.

Let’s  delve into depths where sustainable jobs await.  Imagine yourself, regardless of your current position,  leading new job related tactics described in this ASTD vanguard.

It takes training to enter new job markets. It’s a bit like riding the bus while at the same time pushing it uphill. Can we turn to higher education for help?

8. Will universities shift job directions to lead a new era?

In a restructured university to work program – community leaders and MBA leaders-in-training integrate novel ideas together.

My MBA students and leaders designed new job concepts recently through overarching questions about innovative jobs across several booths at a Celebration event.

Diverse minds soon ignited flames that could have sparked Joseph Conrad’s words, The mind is capable of anything–because everything is in it, all the past as well as all the future.

The opposite of  change and vitality is regression and stress that can literally shrink the human brain. Yet story after story from MBA students shows fear that clings to silence in broken workplaces. The common mantra?

If I question anything,  I’ll lose my job. Have you been in job situations where entitlement and privilege trumped progress or ethics?

9. Do sacred cows  kill new jobs?

The very fuel needed to drive opportunities often lies just outside  systems that stall change. Consider sacred cows in higher education at Penn State.

Fear drove staff to cling to a cow called “the Penn State way,” that caused  fatherless boys to be raped repeatedly by protected leaders. Vicky Triponey questioned their entitlement culture, and lost her job, while others  saw rapes, said nothing, and kept their jobs. Have you seen it?

Sadly people in broken systems often operate from idols that kill innovation and foster dysfunction – in the name of maintaining job security.

Have you seen workplaces cling to barriers that prevent job openings?

10. What would it take to transform your workplace?

What would transform your workplace so that meaningful jobs emerge?

Hutch Carpenter asked 25 people to tell what innovation is from their perspective – and got back 25 different responses.

Most people agree that innovation sparks higher productivity demands for a competitive edge.

Here are 25 marks of innovative brainpower at work, that offer a place to add jobs – where both people and the bottom line will prosper.

Good news is that innovation involves IQ that is not foxed but can increase daily with use. Simply stated – if you roll out one new opportunity today, you’ll set the pace for job growth tomorrow.

What do you think?

Could the 5.4 million people who have been unemployed longer than six months help us to speed up job creation?  Or what possibilities of meaningful jobs exist for the millions more who long to quit their current jobs?

What question will trigger employment openings, from where you stand?

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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset