In case you hadn’t noticed, ground-breaking leaders differ from most administrators who maintain rules and regulations out there. Neuro discoveries show 3 distinct traits that spark innovative leaders’ brains.
Most agree there’s no turning back, yet some still insist that leaders are born, rather than made. And it’s true that at times we seem stuck in well worn ruts we’ve spun in past years. Luckily research proves otherwise, and now we have proof of personal triumph from leaders like Norman Doidge in The Brain that Changes Itself.
Whatever current culture reveals to the contrary, people carry gene pool potential for more creative leadership. I’m convinced we could reshape a far finer 2012 with brainpowered tools used more as strategic imperatives.
1. Appreciate new ideas rather than criticize lost opportunities. That simple act of genuine thankfulness extends its magic by unleashing serotonin into any workplace. Wherever this molecule of well being thrives, people find cause to celebrate the wonder of workplace successes. How will the neuroscience of celebration move your workplace from last year’s challenges to solutions for a new era?
Are you willing to think of innovation as more that a nice thing to dream about?
Looking for opportunities beyond that stuck-in-the-mire cortisol world? Why not open a few windows where neuro and cognitive sciences can reboot your leadership for mind-bending business ventures.
2. Kindle ideas from more diverse talents and expect new advances. Have you seen leaders capitalize on novel designs through communicating good tone across differences, for instance. How so?
The human brain comes with unique equipment that links tone and talent development – to fuel innovative cultures across silos. It’s quite straightforward, if you simply mimic those who value differences.
Diversity can move leaders from broken practices into renewed approaches. When mutual mentoring leads to mind-guiding risk-taking hormones such as dopamine often generate productivity as a result.
3. Tackle tone toxins that come from cynics or bullies. Check out dangerous mental toxins that come to work with bullies and cynics. Ignore these caustic signals and you’ll see people slip into the kind of stress that literally shrinks the brain.
The best way to beat intimidation is to trigger creative visions.
Whenever you cotton onto the notion that people or problems diminish you, that self-critique begins to bury your brain’s tools for excellence. In contrast, your brain holds hidden reflection equipment to build visions that develop confidence and take risks to achieve mind-bending results. Yes, regardless of other’s impressions of your work plans or character.
Have you ever wondered how some people envision greatness past human hurdles that shut down brilliance at work?
Below are several brainpowered pathways that lead away from stress and toward more creative leadership opportunities at work:
- Laugh – yes, especially when the chips are down, and you’ll build neuron pathways in directions away from stress.
- Golf as a way to relax in nature’s best– even as you capitalize on improving your swing with each new shot.
- Embrace a novel adventure, a playful distraction to rejuvenate your brain from ruts that imprison you in stress.
- Risk replacing one idol that holds you back – with an innovative alternative that could sprint you forward.
- Encourage another brainy bloke, rather than find flaws or name faults as stressed-out critics tend to nitpick.
- Recognize and flee from 10 tragic toxins in minds of bullies and cynics.
- Ask two-footed questions that shut off stressor spigots, and open your day into what if … possibilities.
- Act on even just one life-changing brainpowered dream. Then inspire others by using the tone to create across differences.
- Check out the wonders and woes of change – then flee from any fear that stunts new growth.
- Rewire your brain to act courageously by choosing ethics – even when good seems to lose against the odds.
How do you stack up against those who’ll lead life-changing discoveries from last year?
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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset