School prepared many of us for jobs that no longer exist, and now life prepares some of us for jobs we’ll invent.
Feel unqualified for work you hope to do in the coming year? No reason to fret if you consider your choices. Why not factor in the art of learning, for instance, and transform your workday into a mental makeover for your next winning role?
It may mean activating hidden or unused parts of your brain, but will likely result in accomplishing things never before accomplished. Sound like a growth plan with dividends?
The brain creates neuron pathways toward new expertise each time we act on what we know to complete parts of what we have yet to learn. How so?
Need more finances, for instance, to pump life into your business plan, or to help you offer a novel service that brings back dollars? You can cut through the clutter of business texts, and get to the nuts and bolts of financing through your own brainpower today. How so?
Analyze one winning activity observed in a successful business person you know, and then create a plan to try out a practice that person does that appears to work. It’s called mirror neurons in brain based terms and we capitalize on the brain’s ability to emulate successful people by watching what they do.
Growth comes only when you tackle the same winning skills seen in others however, because in doing a new task, you rewire the brain’s plasticity for more of the same. The brain creates neuron pathways beyond the ruts that many default to when times are tough.
Still unsure of what to do differently, to shore up depleted funds? Why not start your day with the Wall Street Journal, or Financial Post, to find a money making idea you could run with? Thoughts?
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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset
Stuart, thanks for your keen insights here. In fact I am presenting this idea to a group of NY secondary leaders today! Wish you could join our roundtable! Have you noticed that when we facilitators, mentors, and leaders do these things (such as deliberately use more brainpower) that learners tend to do them naturally?
Have a great day Stuart!
Interesting article Ellen, and one that needs a lot more attention to make the changes needed the world of our children will face. On the point of schools and learning, the first thing schools have to teach, is how to learn, recognizing everyone does not learn the same way. Everyone should have the opportunity of understanding their brain has unique wiring, and how they learn to take in, understand and apply knowledge is important. Knowing this would allow not only children but also life long learners to make better use of their amazing brains.
Wally you raised a great point. School taught us to work in factory like settings. It taught us literature – in order to write and publish books for publishers now that only take books from those who raise money. It taught us to teach in secure jobs that no longer offer security. It taught us to lead business circles — that favor entrepreneurship now.
It failed to teach us the creative problem solving tactics we need to help shape a finer future.
Thankfully – some folks like you – are teaching themselves and leading the way though.
Make sense?
It’s time we step into a place that allows for and champions growth Elite – I agree – and you seem to be doing that here as you suggested that social media offers an opportunity to network and develop new skills.
It also allows us to collaborate and develop projects together – and I’d like to see even more collaboration on creative projects. That is the way of future innovation. Do you agree?
I like the idea of looking at things in new ways, Ellen. I think this post does a great job of pointing out some ways.
But the opening paragraph threw me. Do you have an example of how school prepared people for jobs that don’t exist. My experience is that K-12 didn’t prepare me or not prepare me for any job. My college degree is in business, but not a particular job. I may be fuzzy-headed this Friday afternoon, but I’m not getting the examples that should pop up from that first paragraph.
It means looking at things anew. That’s the reasons why I have joined networking sessions (BNI), professional groups (APSS) and subscribe to the theory of mentorship to help us chart yet unknown territories in the recesses of our brain.
Social networking sites are also a good avenue for self-develpment. They say we are far from utlizing the full potential of our brain.
I couldn’t agree more.