For every year learning renewal escapes us, learners fail to get the support deeply vital for our future leaders. Could 2018 be the year we reboot learning goals and rewire education targets to unleash hidden and unused intelligences all around us?
Ask the lecturer in this video and he will likely say he engages listeners. He might even go on to suggest today’s audiences expect too much and give too little. Ask curious listeners or lively participants though, and they’ll likely support these 100 reasons to run hard from lectures!
What will you do to help us facilitate learning and leading renewal that benefits all, in the coming year?
Brain based facts below may offer an insight to spawn new directions for teens in your community.
To renew with the brain in mind is to approach learning and teaching with new vision, diverse tools, new leadership voices and higher expectations for all:
- Students bring unique knowledge to class and renewal both recognizes and uses their multiple skills. (Introduce multiple intelligences into upper grades)
- Repetition is less effective for learners than teaching for understanding. Do you agree? (Tina Blythe – Teaching for Understanding)
- Renewal with the human brain in mind is to integrate our unique mental equipment as tools for weaving innovative solutions into everyday lives. (Namungos Rock More Brainpower)
- Ask faculty why they entered the field and few will respond, “assessment and accountability.” Renewal draws in many tools for tangible understanding and observes teachers to learn from and support them. (Learn from and Support Teachers)
- Learning is innately linked to biological and chemical forces that control the human brain. (Eric Kaufman Engaging Students with Brain Based Learning)
- When standards and tests fit together for air-tight system of top down uniform “bunch of facts” schooling, that’s when we’re in real trouble. (Alfie Kohn Beware of the Standards, Not Just the Tests)
- Beginning immediately, we must begin to implement 22nd-century education. (Alfie Kohn When 21st Century Schooling Just Isn’t Enough: A modest Proposal)
- Competition is perhaps the single most toxic ingredient to be found in a classroom, and it is also a reliable predictor of cheating. (Alfie Kohn Who’s Cheating Whom?)
- For learner, the lecture is a passive event, and so it is no surprise that learners highly favor interactive learning opportunities. (Jane Mcharg How do we learn?)
- Results of high-stakes testing indicate unintended negative consequences that corrupt learning practices for teens. Richard Ryan and Netta Weinstein Undermining Quality Teaching and Learning)
- It is time to declare war on traditional course syllabus. It is rule-infested, punitive, controlling yet handed to students on first day of classes. (Mango Singham Death to the Syllabus! )
- Collaborative teaching approaches, such as mutual mentoring, reinforces learning and is particularly important for young adolescents, whose developing brains are beginning to understand complex relationships. Teens like it, parents like it. It’s just common sense. (Mentoring Across Differences to Benefit All)
- State exit exams harm students who fail them and do not benefit students who pass them. Now what? (John Robert Warren)
- Traditional “one-size-fits-all approach to curriculum denies vast individual differences in learning strengths, challenges and interests. (David Rose Universal Design for Learning; Meeting the Challenge of Individual Learning Differences Through a Neurological Perspective ).
- Evidence indicates that the fine arts can provide a unique avenue for reaching challenging students with principles of brain based learning. (Ghazwan Lutfi Whole Brain Learning: The Fine Arts with Students at Risk)
- Poor decision making in teens may be related to the fact that teenagers’ brains show less excitement than adults about the prospect of earning rewards. Interestingly, teens show similar brain activity when actually receiving rewards. (J. Bjork Journal of Neuroscience)
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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset