(15) Brains Beyond Positivity for Seniors?

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When we see the namungos as part of our brain, we can begin to choose their ability to help us and support good choices. Whether we are aware or not, namungos are part of our lives and they can work for or against our mental and emotional health.

An awareness of namungos helps us to cultivate a growth mindset by asking questions such as:

1). How does each namungo apply to daily choices?

2). What risks will I take?

3). How can we make this fun and adventurous?

4). How will our past mistakes help?

5). How will we launch the new idea and organize a new way forward?

6). What is our best approach forward?

Fear or anxiety is opposite love and kindness. Anxiety goes down when we are kind to ourselves as valued humans, and kind to all others as if they are created for care and goodness. We cultivate care and kindness within when we embrace a growth mindset. We grow vulnerable to learn and advance, while accepting that missteps and mistakes offer lessons to apply as stepping stones forward. The namungo fictitious characters with real brain parts show how both tips and traps we meet by choices we make.

How do we live a Mita Growth Mindset to bounce back after bad breaks and thrive more joyfully in every age?

Two – Footed Questions to Address Mita Growth Mindset Senior Sessions

An awareness of namungos helps us to cultivate a growth mindset by asking questions such as:

1). How does each namungo apply to daily choices?

2). What risks will I take?

3). How can we make this fun and adventurous?

4). How will our past mistakes help?

5). How will we launch the new idea and organize a new way forward?

6). What is our best approach forward?

FINAL Question:  What’s one activity we can do to remove a fixed mindset and add a growth mindset for this topic?

What namungo is most active for good in your life at the moment and how will you ensure that namungo continues to help bring tangible benefits to you and those around you. Write or sketch or photograph a brief plan that might help others to identify their own namungo help by showing how you use this plan.

Dr Ellen Weber‘s Growth Mindset Materials and Publications Below:

Grace Mindset Book – audio

Grace Mindset Book – paperback

The Teen’s Growth Mindset Workbook – paperback

Growth Mindset Interactive Materials at TPT

Mita (Growth Mindset) Strategies in Class and Beyond

Student Assessment that Works – a Practical Approach