When our churches act as spectator sports, where passive patrons watch rituals from distance truths, we miss grace alive and awaiting our experiences as worship’s wings in each of us.
Love, not religious words preached, propels us into “God,” to discover overflowing goodness and immense care for us and kindness for all humanity.
Grace is expressed in serotonin and it equips us to look everyone and everything in the face and become amazed at the face of God looking back at us with love.
A fair number of believers tell us that God is dead in today’s churches! One man put it this way, “We see a certain lobbying for our souls, yet we rarely feel loved unconditionally in pews of our congregations!” If that’s true, and I think it often is, how do we begin to replace the bells and smells of religiosity with a divine relationship that resets our odometer onto new paths where we experience the genuine presence of a loving God?
In churches or organizations where God appears to be dead, we feel abandoned, in spite of our human hunger for divine affirmation. That’s where grace keeps us alive and alert so we can navigate our bumpy human condition with joy and hope. It’s where we access and awaken a grace mindset – that builds bridges from misery to mystery and joy on a daily basis. It takes a deliberate and thoughtful choice though.
Actions without deep thought are the work of hamsters on a wheel. Contemplation without action is the creation of delusion and deception. Grace is the unconditional gifts of love and goodness that bridges both, and propels us into a blessed journey up and onward.
Grace Mindset Book – paperback
The Teen’s Growth Mindset Workbook – paperback
Growth Mindset Interactive Materials at TPT