An Open Letter to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Archie and Lilibet,

Dearest Harry, Meghan, Archie, and Lilibet,
I am so sorry that you continue to get caught up in and hurt by an angry, and cynical language of our current chaotic, and often cruel times.
In this letter that has written itself mostly from insights within my latest book, “Access Our Grace Mindset,” I’d like to offer a response from within the language of agape love that holds us in grace’s loving-kindness, empathy, healing and hope for an eternity!
Yes, it’s somewhat similar to your precious grandmother, her Majesty’s wiser and deeper loving words, likely gained after her lifetime of growing grit through living an agape grace, in tough times.
You stepped out into a noble and adventurous call you both felt sincerely, and whenever grace remains buried under conflicts, sadly we often fail to celebrate with you!
You continue to be mostly true to living that call faithfully as it plays out. I am sorry your magical call has been maligned at times by others who look on without accessing their own grace mindset.
You attempt to speak out about what hurts deeply, and I am sorry that your genuine and vulnerable feelings often get misconstrued by those who attach grace’s opposites to your words and motives.
Whenever we attack you for misunderstandings we add sorrow and grief to your words and we hamper your attempts to be heard, as you deserve. I am sorry for you, and especially sad that it too may block the agape grace, placed in your DNA at birth, and there for your eternity.
You post photos of your darling children and these treasures too are often unfairly displayed with our lack of kindness, empathy, healing or hope. If we have not yet accessed or awakened our grace mindset we see others without the amazing cloak of love that blesses all. And when we miss the deeply beloved parts of others we also fail to cherish them unconditionally as agape grace loves and cherishes us all, in ways that prevent hurtful conflicts.
Hopefully you will find it in your grace-filled hearts to bypass blame and bitterness, in favor of the kind of grace that keeps you and the rest of us in eternal agape love. Hopefully divine grace will fortify you to chase extraordinary dreams and adventures you are called to win.
Fortunately, grace as our lived experience, even holds the treasured keys to mend our past hurts in our broken and less-than-perfect families. Hopefully amazing grace will bring you lovingly back to its eternal center daily and in every way – in spite of chaotic challenges!
While I am sorry you have suffered so much unfairly I am also exhilarated that you are blessed and beloved and grateful that grace can show you how agape love is unfailing, unable to be eliminated, and remains your FORCE in much the same way beloved Star War characters enjoy the FORCE as their strength to move forward.
I wrote my recent book on grace to show how we all, accusers and accused, can access and awaken an eternal love that offers daily energy to remain in amazing joy on days we feel like heroes for our cause, and days we feel devastated by attacks that come from a world running forward in ways that show conflicts without grace and its unconditional love.
Stay blessed and hold onto grace as your beloved grandmother teaches us all to do, when times turn against us, through conflicts we cannot avoid.
Ideas that prompted this letter all come from the new book Access Our Grace Mindset – Awaken Loving-kindness, Empathy, Healing and Hope. Is this not a picture of love we all crave and conflicts we often encounter! Luckily hope remains alive for each of us!
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