Our Leader’s guide for grace mindset roundtables is finally here! The Leader Discussion Guide for Access our Grace Mindset Book, encourages book clubs and facilitates readers who wish to access and awaken grace as a lived experience. We’ll grow our grace mindset, to flourish and thrive together in a dangerous era! Book is located at ACCESS OUR GRACE MINDSET: Awaken loving-kindness, Empathy, Healing and Hope!
Leader Discussion Guide for Access Our Grace Mindset
Access Our Grace Mindset: Awaken Loving-kindness, Empathy, Healing and Hope

Grace is not a theory in which to sermonize. It is a lived experience in which to grow our mindset, flourish and thrive! It is a divine signature on every cell we possess. It is the blessed connection between humanity and divinity.
This leader guide offers discussion prompts for 20 roundtable or Zoom sessions. Each session covers 20 pages of the book Access Our Grace Mindset: Awaken Loving-kindness, Empathy Healing and Hope. This NEW BOOK on grace as our lived experience is just out and located at Amazon.com or Amazon.ca as well as in book stores! The book illustrates practical guides to help us access and awaken grace as our lived experience?
Sample discussion prompts for Session 1
Pages 1 – 20 (A). How do you see the link between grace and serotonin and why should we care… ? (B). If religion can block grace as a lived experience, what can awaken it on an everyday basis … ?
Follow-up questions for session 1 (p. 1 – 20):
- How does grace accessed and awakened influence any conflicts or unhealed relationships we still hold?
- How do we recognize tangible love and joy within that deep inner pool of agape grace, on a daily basis?
- What’s the difference in our underlying joy and delight when grace is accessed and awakened as a lived experience?
Sample discussion prompts for Session 2
Pages 21 – 40 (A). How can grace heal the problem that current hurts stick like Velcro to old, unhealed wounds and hold back mental and emotional health … ? (B). How does a lived experience of grace impact our choices on a difficult day …?
Follow-up questions for session 2 (p. 21 – 40):
- Does “gratitude” open access into an inner pool of grace that keeps us aware we are loved deeply and unconditionally? (p. 33)
- What one interest or enjoyable habit helps us to access grace and loving-kindness when we feel bored or isolated?
- What recent risk have you taken and how might it have altered boredom by increasing dopamine to help you step beyond comfort zones going forward?

Sample discussion prompts for Session 3
Follow-up questions for session 3 (p. 41 – 60):
Pages 41 – 60 (A). If healing starts where we stand at the moment, and grace is available at all times, how does grace heal areas we’ve been wounded … ? (B). How can a grace mindset increase our interest in things that typically bore us …?
- Do you see boredom as choice or fate? (See p. 42 …)
- What action could lead to a grace mindset that you could do together with a bored friend or sibling? (p. 44 …)
- How does holding onto autonomy relate to accessing a grace mindset? (p. 46 …)
Sample discussion prompts for Session 4
Follow-up questions for session 4 (p. 61 – 80):
Pages 61 – 80 (A). What role do our unique intelligences play in our lived experience of grace … ? (B). Do you agree with George Lucas concerns for a drowning society, and how do Bernard Shaw’s dream of things (p. 78), or your dreams help us awaken to grace…?
a) What intelligence do you use least that may open a new access into that inner pool of grace and loving contentment?
b) What does being too old or too anything to get good jobs have to do with accessing our inner pool of grace? (P. 70 …)
c). How does an untamed amygdala block our grace mindset that otherwise keeps us in a loved and purpose-driven place?
Sample discussion prompts for Session 5

Follow-up questions for session 5 (p. 81 – 100):
Pages 81 – 100 (A). Where is grace as a lived experience or brain chemicals we generate most active in our grief … ? (B). What intelligence tops your talents or capabilities in the IQ survey (p. 88-91), and how so …?
a) What do you think of “smart skills” to replace and combine the traditional hard and soft skills? (P. 82 …)
b) What do results from the IQ survey p 88 … suggest about new grace mindset possibilities we would likely enjoy?
c). Because of mirror neurons, how might our grace mindset choices help others through their grief, while withholding advice or hoping to change others? (P. 96 …)
Sample discussion prompts for Session 6
Follow-up questions for session 6 (p. 101 – 120):
Pages 101 – 120 (A). From the grace mindset-in-action list (P. 50 to 56) which what if challenge have you seen or experienced as authentic loving-kindness in action … ? (B). How might Marcus Aurelius’ beliefs (p. 118) about a happy life and beliefs about grace created in our DNA, together help us to experience more grace on a daily basis…?
a) How might music offer us an access into our grace mindset pool of wellbeing?
b) What’s the most vital brain fact to enhance our grace mindset access and awakening and how so? (P. 103 – 117)
c). How does expressed or dormant genes in our cell relate to a grace mindset expressed or dormant in our DNA?
Sample discussion prompts for Session 7
Follow-up questions for session 7 (p. 120 – 140):
Pages 121 – 140 (A). What does awakened grace have to do with our energy to focus on delights and strengths, or disappointments and frustrations? … ? (B). Does the stress survey on p. 131-132 show we are accessing and awakening grace that transforms us to enjoy mostly stress-free days …?
a) Which I AM statement challenges you most and how can a grace mindset help to embrace its strength? (P. 122 – 126)
b) What does your stress survey score on page 131 say about stress problem or a grace mindset possibility in the coming week?
c). Do we choose our moods or do our moods choose us, and how does a grace mindset factor in on moods?
Sample discussion prompts for Session 8
Follow-up questions for session 8 (p. 141 – 160):
Pages 141 – 160 (A). How is the lived experience of grace impacted negatively or positively by another person’s expressions of love or appreciation for us … ? (B). How does taming our amygdala help us to live unconditionally loved, regardless of life’s challenges …?
a) How do you see grace mindset practices from unearned love as they can counter cortisol surges that cause stress?
b) Can we escape daily doses of cortisol with grace-mindset access and awakening and if so how so? (P. 142 …)
c). Given 22 stressors (p. 143) we can expect daily, how can we rewire our brains for more grace and more serotonin?
Sample discussion prompts for Session 9
Follow-up questions for session 9 (p. 161 – 180):
Pages 161 – 180 (A). How does a grace mindset arm us to enjoy agape love’s ability to cut off self-recrimination or toxic thinking? … ? (B). Where do we start to rid our focus from long-term regrets that keep us down to an eternal love that sets us free …?
a) What do personal barriers do to help or hurt us, regarding how we access and awaken grace?
b) If we cannot change a person who hurts or fails us, what can we do by accessing and awakening a grace mindset?
c). What is the best definition of a grace mindset, as you see it?
Sample discussion prompts for Session10
Follow-up questions for session 10 (p. 181 – 200):
Pages 181 – 200 (A). What do our scores in the wellness tone survey (P. 187 – 189) say about our typical grace mindset responses to toxic issues? … ? (B). What would it take for ourselves and others to hear more transformative grace experienced in our words today…?
a) What do you see as an answer to online cruelty or hate speech, as it exists in a grace mindset approach?
b) What would help our church to zero in more on grace as our lived experience in practical terms and applications?
c). What does the tone survey (p. 187 – 189) tell us about our grace mindset responses related to regrets we face?
Sample discussion prompts for Session 11
Follow-up questions for Session 11 (p. 201 – 220):
Pages 201 – 220 (A). How specifically does living grace awaken our inner value and supersede our discomfort with a new and transformative lens… ? (B). What is the most dynamic question a lived experience of grace generates and what original response would that question get from you? …?
a) What are you learning about our ability to grow our grace mindset at any age (p. 201) and how does growth here work?
b) What healing do we need to help us be kinder to ourselves (p. 203) when we feel less than worthy?
c). How do you reflect best on the unconditional love of God in your lived experience? Do you walk, read, meditate …?
Sample discussion prompts for Session 12
Follow-up questions for session 12 (p. 221 – 240):
Pages 221 – 240 (A). Where is the potential in a grace mindset when anger adds difficult emotions and robs our wiser and more radically compassionate capability to live as if unconditionally loved … ? (B). How might a grace mindset pause anger as it trickles in, and how can it uptick our compassion for people who stoke anger in us…?
a) What activity recharged your grace mindset most this week and how so? (p. 221)
b) What does a grace mindset do for you when anger hits?
c). What would a grace mindset do for you to help another angry person, without telling them what they should do?
Sample discussion prompts for Session 13
Follow-up questions for session 13 (p. 241 – 260):
Pages 241 – 260 (A). How can we best illustrate to those who distrust divine grace as our free gift, that lasts an eternity, is tangibly transformative, and only takes our access and awakening … ? (B). .What have you experienced as robust grace that could become a well recognized mindset to break cycles of pain, anger and cruel words or actions that heated anger bring..?
a) When does anger become a problem for us, and how can a grace mindset help?
b) How does a million free dollars deposited into our bank account compare to an inner pool of unconditional love and care deposited?
c). What can a lived experience of grace mindset do to help bullying? (p. 245 – 246)
Sample discussion prompts for Session 14
Follow-up questions for session 14 (p. 261 – 280):
Pages 261 – 280 (A). What part of our brains most interact with a lived experience of grace and how so … ? (B). If our churches or past have hindered the lived experience of grace for ourselves or others, how might we contribute to grace that’s lived to sustain human, inner awesomeness for all …?
a) What does it mean to be surprised by joy, and how does a grace mindset help? (p. 262)
b) How do we access and enjoy living a grace mindset when panic or frustration block our way? (p. 267 …)
c). Why should we be aware of our basal ganglia as it relates to living a grace mindset? (p. 271 …)
Sample discussion prompts for Session 15
Follow-up questions for session 15 (p. 281 – 300):
Pages 281 –300 (A). In what ways do we all crave loving-kindness most, and how can a grace mindset turn panic into hopeful possibilities… ? (B). What one namungo question (p. 281) could illustrate the deeper powers of a grace mindset to overcome panic with calm…?
a) What grace mindset situation offers us the most challenge when we try to live a grace mindset? (p. 287)
b) Is it possible to rarely be panicked or cranky and if so, how so? (p. 289)
c). What quote means most to you (p. 296 – 297) and why so?
Sample discussion prompts for Session 16
Follow-up questions for session 16 (p. 301 – 320):
Pages 301 – 320 (A). What words would a grace mindset likely whisper in our ear that would prompt a calmer response in an overwhelming situation … ? (B). How does humor, and especially our ability to laugh at ourselves, help us to access and awaken a grace mindset…?
a) Do you agree with MLK’s notion of power (p. 302)? Why or why not could it increase our awareness of grace?
b) What would it do to our grace mindset if we turn our divine telescope inward rather than upward? (p. 305)
c). What triggers the serotonin or cortisol within us that impacts our lived experience of grace mindset most. (p. 313).
Sample discussion prompts for Session 17
Follow-up questions for session 17 (p. 321 – 340):
Pages 321 – 340 (A). What does trust in a higher power do to help us access and awaken kindness to all and openness to unconditional love enjoyed and paid forward… ? (B). What does your survey (p. 322) score tell you about how you tend to access and awaken grace…?
a) Do you agree with Roosevelt’s notion of critics, and how does our inner critic impact our ability to live a grace mindset? (p. 321)
b) How does optimism relate to our lived experiences of grace and what helps it most? (p. 335)
c). What grace mindset practice do you most identify with (p. 330 – 331) and how does a lived experience of grace help us to facilitate grace filled actions in ourselves and in others?
Sample discussion prompts for Session 18
Follow-up questions for session 18 (p. 341 – 360):
Pages 341 – 360 (A). If only one brain fact (p. 355-368) were applied to enhance a grace mindset this week which one would you choose and how would you ignite that brain fact … ? (B). How does music impact your reminders that grace is always available to you …?
a) What do you see as the biggest obstacle to Intrapersonal IQ growth and how does a grace mindset help us to get past that obstacle? (p. 341 …)
b) How does a grace mindset help us to let go of grudges and live grace in that situation? Any examples?
c). What can we do to bring back civility where we meet its opposing practices? (p. 359 #35)
Sample discussion prompts for Session 19
Follow-up questions for session 19 (p. 361 – 380):
Pages 361 – 380 (A). If you could discover more about how one brain fact (p. 361-368) enhances our grace mindset which one would you choose and why so … ? (B). What response do you tend to give when judged or criticized and how will a grace mindset change that …?
a) Which of the possibility thinkers (p. 379) would you like most to grow stronger using a grace mindset and how so?
b) What is the thing that disappoints you most (p. 371) and how would a grace mindset reduce that disappointment?
c). How would you share your grace mindset to help you to come alongside an upset friend or family member, without telling them what to do to get over it?
Sample discussion prompts for Session 20
Follow-up questions for session 20 (p. 381 – 400):
Pages 381 – 400 (A). If you were to write a thank you journal prompt about unconditional love with no judgements, attached what would that brief prompt be … ? (B). What grace mindset that possibility thinkers use could most help to transform our circles into place where all feel loved without conditions …?
a) How will we keep alive the reality that we are a trophy of grace and the apple of God’s eye, (p. 381) when upsetting situations arise?
b) What upsets you less as you walked deeper into a grace mindset approach?
c). What grace filled tactics (p. 393) improved your week and how could it improve ours if we feel disappointed?
This is only a small part of the Leadership Guide for Access Our Grace Mindset, book