What is this grace that adds wings to our dreams and feet to our realities? We look online for friendship only to find fury and frustration. We isolate from loved ones and sadly often suffer alone. We feel caught up in a chaotic work world that demands more and satisfies less! NEW BOOK on grace as our lived experience is just out and located at Amazon.com or Amazon.ca as well as in book stores! The book illustrates practical guides to help us access and awaken grace as our lived experience?
When we access and awaken amazing grace in both our struggles and our joys, our inner critic becomes our grace mindset. In pages 41 to 60 of, “Access Our Grace Mindset’ book we see grace’s role as a daily filter.
We walk away from faith communities that leave us empty, yet we crave genuine grace that leaves us valued and equipped with loving kindness to flourish in a suffering world. Is it possible to live amazing grace in a turbulent world? This book guides us to access, awaken and use a grace mindset to tangibly heal ourselves and others through spirit- mind connections. It’s a guide to express grace as a lived experience, without any desire to convert others or boast about who knows divinity best!
Exciting evolution of transformative loving-kindness includes on-going insights between people like you and me and our shared experiences of agape love! Our society is ripe for a radical breakthrough in unconditional love and a belief in extraordinary goodness for all humanity! Grace transforms us from worriers into warriors for peace! When agape grace is accessed, awakened and lived we all benefit from its extravagant and eternal loving-kindness!
A humble proposal for a kinder, more caring world where all thrive and flourish!
A grace mindset is not always accessed or awakened in churches, nor do we need to attend church to enjoy grace as a lived experience. Our access to grace is freely given by God. Our awakening to grace is determined by us. We embrace agape love’s energy which adds empathy, healing and purpose to our lives, or we stand still like the rock that lies immobile and gathers moss. With grace as our mindset we climb daily, until we catch more glorious views from the top. Then we descend once again, holding grace’s propensity to pay forward loving-kindness to a suffering world.

Two-Footed Questions to Guide Our 20 Round-table Discussions ~
Our monthly roundtable discussion will consider grace as a way of life to access and awaken as our lived experience, and our gift to pay forward. How so, and with what tangible benefits? The following questions will trigger our open-ended discourse:
Pages 1 – 20 (A). How do you see the link between grace and serotonin and why should we care… ? (B). If religion can block grace as a lived experience, what can awaken it on an everyday basis … ?
Pages 21 – 40 (A). How can grace heal the problem that current hurts stick like Velcro to old, unhealed wounds and hold back mental and emotional health … ? (B). How does a lived experience of grace impact our choices on a difficult day …?
Pages 41 – 60 (A). If healing starts where we stand at the moment, and grace is available at all times, how does grace heal areas we’ve been wounded … ? (B). How can a grace mindset increase our interest in things that typically bore us …?
Pages 61 – 80 (A). What role do our unique intelligences play in our lived experience of grace … ? (B). Do you agree with George Lucas concerns for a drowning society, and how do Bernard Shaw’s dream of things (p. 78), or your dreams help us awaken to grace…?
Pages 81 – 100 (A). Where is grace as a lived experience or brain chemicals we generate most active in our grief … ? (B). What intelligence tops your talents or capabilities in the IQ survey (p. 88-91), and how so …?
Pages 101 – 120 (A). From the grace mindset-in-action list (P. 50 to 56) which what if challenge have you seen or experienced as authentic loving-kindness in action … ? (B). How might Marcus Aurelius’ beliefs (p. 118) about a happy life and beliefs about grace created in our DNA, together help us to experience more grace on a daily basis…?
Pages 121 – 140 (A). What does awakened grace have to do with our energy to focus on delights and strengths, or disappointments and frustrations? … ? (B). Does the stress survey on p. 131-132 show we are accessing and awakening grace that transforms us to enjoy mostly stress-free days …?
Pages 141 – 160 (A). How is the lived experience of grace impacted negatively or positively by another person’s expressions of love or appreciation for us … ? (B). How does taming our amygdala help us to live unconditionally loved, regardless of life’s challenges …?
Pages 161 – 180 (A). How does a grace mindset arm us to enjoy agape love’s ability to cut off self-recrimination or toxic thinking? … ? (B). Where do we start to rid our focus from long-term regrets that keep us down to an eternal love that sets us free …?
Pages 181 – 200 (A). What do our scores in the wellness tone survey (P. 187 – 189) say about our typical grace mindset responses to toxic issues? … ? (B). What would it take for ourselves and others to hear more transformative grace experienced in our words today…?
Pages 201 – 220 (A). How specifically does living grace awaken our inner value and supersede our discomfort with a new and transformative lens… ? (B). What is the most dynamic question a lived experience of grace generates and what original response would that question get from you? …?
Pages 221 – 240 (A). Where is the potential in a grace mindset when anger adds difficult emotions and robs our wiser and more radically compassionate capability to live as if unconditionally loved … ? (B). How might a grace mindset pause anger as it trickles in, and how can it uptick our compassion for people who stoke anger in us…?
Pages 241 – 260 (A). How can we best illustrate to those who distrust divine grace as our free gift, that lasts an eternity, is tangibly transformative, and only takes our access and awakening … ? (B). .What have you experienced as robust grace that could become a well recognized mindset to break cycles of pain, anger and cruel words or actions that heated anger bring..?
Pages 261 – 280 (A). What part of our brains most interact with a lived experience of grace and how so … ? (B). If our churches or past have hindered the lived experience of grace for ourselves or others, how might we contribute to grace that’s lived to sustain human, inner awesomeness for all …?
Pages 281 –300 (A). In what ways do we all crave loving-kindness most, and how can a grace mindset turn panic into hopeful possibilities… ? (B). What one namungo question (p. 281) could illustrate the deeper powers of a grace mindset to overcome panic with calm…?
Pages 301 – 320 (A). What words would a grace mindset likely whisper in our ear that would prompt a calmer response in an overwhelming situation … ? (B). How does humor, and especially our ability to laugh at ourselves, help us to access and awaken a grace mindset…?
Pages 321 – 340 (A). What does trust in a higher power do to help us access and awaken kindness to all and openness to unconditional love enjoyed and paid forward… ? (B). What does your survey (p. 322) score tell you about how you tend to access and awaken grace…?
Pages 341 – 360 (A). If only one brain fact (p. 355-368) were applied to enhance a grace mindset this week which one would you choose and how would you ignite that brain fact … ? (B). How does music impact your reminders that grace is always available to you …?
Pages 381 – 400 (A). If you were to write a thank you journal prompt about unconditional love with no judgements, attached what would that brief prompt be … ? (B). What grace mindset that possibility thinkers use could most help to transform our circles into place where all feel loved without conditions …?
Most would agree that human brainpower, devoid of grace as a lived experience, leaves us judgemental of others and demanding unattainable perfection from ourselves. No wonder work and life often feel toxic! What will today offer each of us to live tangible grace in a way that more goodness comes to us and those around us!
The grace we live alters our brain chemistry. And our brains give feet to grace in ways that alter lives! Tone is the body language of grace, while grace is our inner thermostat of mental and emotional health.
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