Inspire Change in Those Who’d Rather Run in Ruts

Some argue that gatekeepers stick to routines and stomp out any hopes for change. Others claim innovation itself holds golden keys to change any status quo. Seth Godin says that people rarely gather as committed tribes around a status quo. What do you say?

In spite of broken systems that resist progress,  innovation, design and the human brain hold enormous power for profitability.

Your brain’s equipped to tackle toxins, even from cynics who cling to old, rather than risk running from ruts. Have you seen it?

In  30 years of  Change with brain based tools, I’ve learned:

1. Personal intelligence or intrapersonal intelligence equips you to respond to deep-seated changes or to find innovative networks to follow.

2. Passion for adventure ignites brainpower to avoid unnecessary confrontations by snipping your amygdala and moving forward in spite of setbacks.

3. Effort to spot opportunities fosters brainpower and willingness to risk riding transparency’s surf.

4. Desire to relate neuro discoveries as solutions to conflicts so that more reasonable parts of your brain win spark innovative initiatives.

5. Humility to extend mental  olive branches to people who disagree fosters collaboration for innovation that draws from diversity.

6. Willingness to show brainpower tools for peace rather than settle for war halts  gridlock battles before they begin.

7. Words to engage with simplicity adds intelligence and replaces mental clutter with innovative dividends for more.

8. Tone to build bridges can bypass traps of cynicism through transparent segues for all to speak and feel heard.

9. Brainstorms that lead innovative solutions with progressive peers, shrinks the influence of naysayers who toss toxins into the mental mix.

10. Communication that engages, encourages and opens communication tends to spark innovation across differences with mental keys rarely found in tragic traits of a cynic.

Step into any gridlock situation and you’ll spot opportunities to replace routines, ruts and rituals, with innovative designs at the peak. Have you seen it? Brainpower tools create  new neuron pathways to dynamic innovation.

How do you inspire others to invent and what types of  innovation do you suggest people stuck in ruts?

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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset

5 thoughts on “Inspire Change in Those Who’d Rather Run in Ruts

  1. Pingback: Daily Digest for April 27th | Jorge Barba 'Innovation Insurgent'

  2. Pingback: Brains, Creativity, Innovation and Resistance

  3. Russell Sears

    It is my contention that many of the ruts we find ourselves in are due to fear of risks we face.
    I stumbled on your website by trying to Google: “risks ruts” And have found the ideas fasincating.

    Most animals respond to fight or flight situations, instinctively. While consciencly we know that any response should incorporate a complex evolving world. We take comfort in the systematic responses, especially if these systems incorporate our instinctive reaction to risks.

    However, refined or sophisticated these responses are they are built on models that are not complete. If we do not incorporate flexible thinking into the models, the real risks in our lives tend to pile up in these unacknowledged corners of our lives.
    As for way to deal with these please see the end of a paper I co-wrote on this subject.

    or for a very brief overview see page 16 of my powerpoint presentation

    I would be interested in your thoughts on these ideas. Especially, if your studies of the brain tend to validate or refute them.

    Further, I would like to hear your ideas on how to lead any company out of a “risks evaluation rut”.

  4. eweber Post author

    Thanks Robyn, for the reminder that we all gain wisdom from so many places in our lives.

    In spite of my own love for research, and facts from history or from the ‘experts’ I also see value in adding wisdom learned from living in so many unique cultures, for instance.

    People in other cultures may see situations with a different set of lenses – and that view can be invaluable added to our storehouse of facts on issues:-)

  5. Robyn McMaster

    I had seen Seth’s Godin’s comment that if we stick to what is “surefire” and what most others advocate [status quo], we are not in a good place to innovate since innovation often begins with an ideas “far out” and pushing the edges… far from the center of a tribe. Your 30 year lived experience helps us learn, too.

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