The limbic system is equipment in our brain that controls emotions and memory. It regulates our responses to emotional stimuli and reinforces behaviors we act on.
Change often feels anything but easy …
Ever ask with that popular poster, How can you fly with eagles when you work with a bunch of turkeys?
It feels as if your brain is hard-wired more for chipping away at endless daily routines that tank your talents. You suit up to lead lofty adventures, yet too often ruts keep you pecking away like turkeys, day after day.
Do you ever wonder why we slide back so easily into doing the same boring things that spin our wheels but go nowhere? We rarely need more information as much as we desperately need more action.
It may seem reasonable once or twice. But over and over again?
Some people blame their supervisors, others say lack of funds keeps them down in the dust.
Are you aware though, that blame robs creative oomph, drowns change and leaves you stuck in ruts? Fault finding blocks focus from seeing those game-changing horizons that complainers only crave.
It doesn’t have to be that way, and your success often depends on how you handle detractors. When Gordon, a British Columbia School Superintendent, tried to involve parents in the daily interactions of his large district, several secondary school faculty threatened to quit.
Cynicism trumped his changes at every step …
Protesters insisted that when outsiders (namely parents) try to control their classrooms, they can no longer teach effectively and test scores suffer. Critics countered even small suggestions to include parents, with anxious retorts that parents know nothing about secondary school content, yet act as if they’re in charge.
For months Gordon tried to win over detractors, while a vocal few spread cynicism across schools averting any progress toward collaboration. Nothing worked and gloom spread across change suggestions like the aftermath of nuclear fallout spreads across a once-vibrant village.
Allies opened spigots of hope …
Then Gordon called a meeting with four highly-respected teachers. After a few hours of brainstorming they’d integrated four disciplines under one umbrella topic – LIGHT. Each of the four classes met learning standards and yet lessons also included student-led topics that teens enjoy.
Enthusiasm carried that first meeting into shared pizza and late night noodling ….
To spark students and parents’ talents for their high school classes, faculty sketched out and illustrated active learning tasks from multiple intelligences. During this lively session several parents admitted they often felt unwelcomed in secondary schools, which is why they stayed away for the most part.
With a welcoming invitation to advance their teens’ school experience, no wonder parents and guardians showed up in droves to offer their ideas for a more interactive approach. A facilitator drew people and ideas together as the group shared and sketched novel learning opportunities.
Math had bored many students earlier, but …
When the math teacher asked how parents would show rays, angles, lines, and magnification, an engineer jumped in to show the math laws that gave a cutting edge to his firm. When the science teacher asked how the human eye, solar power, and mirrors relate to light, an optometrist led the discussion.
English and social studies classes had detractors, until …
The English teacher followed with his plan for reading the novel, Light a Single Candle, and several writers tossed in cool ideas about atmosphere and mood and metaphors to consider. Finally the social studies teacher added his intention to highlight the Renaissance, which erupted the whole gymnasium with Enlightenment insights. Shared excitement sparked wonder into individual revelations for how to ensure mutual benefit. It’s easy — just like you led us tonight, a former principal shouted out, and the group cheered.
That simple new direction spun into a menagerie of ideas across the entire community – all from one meeting with a few high-performing-minds. Have you seen it happen where you work?
You can become a game-changer …
Ten basic change approaches in this new ebook – Making Change Easy – equip your team with mental capabilities for winning changes made easy. Yes – in spite of change-resisters who try to trip you up along the way.
Luckily, your brain holds tools that enable you to embrace change, in spite of detractors. You too can fuel curiosity and pound new pathways into new horizons you deserve.
Why then do so many people resist change?
If the human brain offers tools to lead innovation, why do resisters outnumber change agents like warriors outnumber peace-keepers? This ebook not only illustrates what goes down for change- resisters, it explains how the human brain easily defaults to ruts under certain conditions.
Effective game changers facilitate from unique areas of the brain …
Gordon and his team navigated problems to sustain healthy change, through modeling attitudes and actions that literally reshape a brain’s formation. Daily choice played a larger role in missed or gained opportunities than most team members realized when the project launched.
No wonder losses emerge for resisters while wins graced rejuvenators …
How many times have you passed over a winning game-changing opportunity? Perhaps you dreaded the consequences. Or you slipped into fear that others wouldn’t follow you. Whatever the reason, you simply lacked confidence to lead a renewal venture, that may have failed in past attempts.
In contrast, let’s assume you embrace change – and select easy-to-follow suggestions from this ebook Making Change Easy. Expect visible differences and yet highly successful ventures to follow. Just as Gordon did, you’ll also roll out similar new capabilities in several key areas. If you have further questions, or if this ebook failed to address your change issues in this area, do let us know at the Mita International Brain Center.
Change comes from doing rather than merely learning …
This book is designed to help you take risks in ways that add dopamine chemicals to build tenacity for further possibilities. How so?
Run with one good idea, and your brain will leap to the challenge and tangibly support your new nerve. Simply stated, you build new neural connections that help you to lead further winning risks. Sound worth a try? Expect personal and organizational rewards along with a sense of satisfaction to boot.
Together, we’ll celebrate new courage as serotonin (your brain’s chemical for wellbeing) ignites your every step. Oh yes, you’ll still see cynics continue to create toxic settings along the sidelines, yet you’ll also gather newfound courage to sidestep snipers who challenge innovation’s progress.
Those who will settle for run-of-the-mill routines may still perform minimal job descriptions. Change-makers want more. To reduce anxiety, and increase wins, you’ll discover brainpowered tools in this ebook that activate your limbic system to make change easier in your organization.
YOUR TURN! Join our Brain Based Circles! Would love to meet you at any of the following!
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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset
Further Readings Related to – Change Made Easy
Mita Manifesto for Renewal –
Blame it on the Brain – 25 brain facts that impact change –
Retention Lost in Lectures –
Facilitate Innovative Brainpower –
Tone Tools design Goodwill in War Zones
Ode to Innovation Brainpower –
Mita Brain Renewal for Leading and Learning –
Brainpower Beyond the Sea of Cynicism –
Stress Tanks Learners and Leaders
Wonders and Woes of Change –
Two-footed Questions Lead Change –
Why is Change so Hard –
Four Questions toward a kinder, Gentler Leadership –
Stack the Deck for Creative Risks –
Renewal Runs Deeper than Dollars
Personal Intelligence for Organizational Growth
Lead Differences with the Brain in Mind –
The Brain on Hope – Lessons from Chilean Rescue –
Mindful Transparency Promotes Skilled Leaders –
Hidden Traps Undo Brainpower –
Lead Questions for Innovative Brainpower
25 Marks of Innovative Brainpower at Work –
Change Me First –
Soar with Ravens – Lead Innovative Change –
25 Signs an Organizational Model is Broken –
Protect Turf or Ride the Surf –
Revisit Mistakes to Boost Brainpower –
5 Keys into a New World Order for Work –
Organizational Brainpower for Innovation –
Change Focus to Reboot Motivation –
Brainpower for Democracy or Demolition?
Inspire Change in Those who Run in Ruts
Circle Gatekeepers to Launch Innovations –
Why Brain Renewal is not for You
10 Secrets for Brain Bursts at High School
Urgent Call to White House – Help Teens!
Higher Education Reinvention –
Brainpower Responses to Universities in Crisis –
Could Neuro Discoveries Transform Universities?
Death of Education Dawn of Learning –
Brain Parts Promote or Stomp Out Change –
Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset
YOUR TURN! Join our Brain Based Circles! Would love to meet you at any of the following!
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Mita Brain Center Facebook
efweber on Pinterest
@ellenfweber on Twitter
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Ellen Weber on LinkedIn