Brainpower of play – Roundtable 10

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When Einstein named imagination more important than knowledge he showed our brain’s propensity to play! In reality though, we put in more work hours with more demands and accept more stressors, in ways that limit or flat out halt productivity. 

Without play, we grind talent to a halt, learn to live with corruption in our leaders, and often lack skills to move much of anything beyond gridlock or personal gains.

I like to think of play as a castle

Each tower represents talent, potential and capabilities. When they sit empty your abilities idle. The opposite is also true.

My favorite adventures lately are playtimes during my two grandchildren’s sleepovers. We play to capture the basics of life, in every fun-filled approach we can think of, and then we laugh in response to our fun.

Our imagination wins hands down against the stressors that hold many of us back on ordinary days. Play jumpstarts our brain for benefits we can’t resist. Have you seen it happen?

Play alters the makeup and operation of the human brain to accommodate discovery

Imagination increases chemicals that reduce stress and enhance our shot at a one-of-a-kind innovative outcome.

A few playful benefits in mental upshots below:

1. Play opens doors to exit boredom and enter learning adventures. Ready to leapfrog over stress that defaults our brain back to boring or mundane routines? Find a fun approach to anything and we ramp up our next playful opportunity.

2. Play nurtures curiosity and fuels well being for innovative results. Einstein rode the curve of the arc in his imagination and it led him to the theory of relativity. Simply follow an idea with a sense of wonder and our brains will do the rest.

3. Play favors risk chemicals and moves us to sidestep ruts and explore new possibilities. One small step in the direction of new adventures and our brain will trigger dopamine to help us take finer risks and win more because we played.

It’s based on the-brain-at-play-principle –

“If you want brilliance in creative answers take time to play with complex concepts.”

In contrast, play packs a punch to boost brainpower

Simply stated, it brings together diverse parts of a wider view to make sense of steps forward. Fun and adventure help us apply intelligent concepts to concoct cool new designs.

What could play our way to lead and learn more effectively today?

See further examples of play’s brainpower below.

Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset

This tool is available on my TpT site

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