What changes miserable moods into model moods for you and those around you? We don’t need to default to bad moods when conflicts arise. To resolve the mood dilemma is also to build and sustain those emotionally strong communities many of us crave. Ask a two footed question like the query below, and they will come up with solutions that work.

What we think is conflict may well be an inability to manage moods. For a tiny sac of neurons, our amygdala can flip an ordinary day into havoc. Much like lightning strikes an iron rod, long before we’re aware dragon moods can strike. Whenever our day jolts us off reliable tracks, it’s likely that amygdala’s seething culprit burns like fury just below the surface.
On the other hand recent research shows how we can cultivate our amygdala as a key to healthy socializing. Rather than attack bad ideas, we simply learn to apply finer ideas for boosted results. Did you know that a larger amygdala means more friends and family involvement?

Want to tackle hot topics without shout outs? It’s a choice between growth mindset or fixed mindset. Our amygdala’s role includes creating and storing emotional reactions to frightening situations. No surprise that it can turn an ordinary day into a train wreck.
At times it’s simply a matter of learning to let go, rather than strike back if we are offended. Once its enormous power over our day is discovered, we can guide the amygdala to work more in our favor. It even helps us move from fear to freedom.
Are you aware of mood-building tools, such as music, that add social and emotional health to our choices?

Simply stated, our amygdala is our brain’s storage place for emotions, moods and personal responses. We tame our amygdala by acting on choices that light candles such as those illustrated below. In contrast, an untamed amygdala follows from choices that curse the dark as listed below.

Enter the moody namungo to show how our amygdala works for our against us in any situation!
Remember, the namungo MYG (short for amygdala) is a fictitious character with real brain parts we each possess. MYG is one of six namungos that illustrate our brain’s capacity to store emotional responses and then awaken these same responses to problems that stoke our emotions.
When conflicts come or trouble brews we reach into MYG’s abilities to bring differences together. Our amygdala holds stored habits so if we tend to resort to anger we store rage responses that block a helpful reaction for an improved outcome such as calm under pressure.
Interactive roundtable stoke strategies for mood management. We can learn skills to store kinder and calmer reactions to conflict by diffusing a difficult situation in a way that acts calmly and tames our MYG.

Think of the amygdala as a seat of our emotions, the warehouse that stockpiles and then reuses our typical emotional responses. Store calm in a scary situation, and we can expect that calm reaction to pop up again when we need it most.

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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset