If our brains are plastic we’re happier, more productive and fun to be around! The opposite of a plastic brain is a rigid, opinionated, or stuck-in-a-rut brain. Specific words and actions we choose will decides which one (plastic or problematic) gets shaped, rooted and operational in our brains.
Plasticity is our brain’s ability to change itself and it occurs when we deliberately act differently. The iconic namungo PLAS is simply short for plasticity and PLAS represents a fictitious character with real brain parts. One of six namungos that show inner workings of our brains, PLAS illumines a brain’s capacity to change in a way that can be awakened to help energize improvements to problems we face. Let’s say the problem is that we worry or feel upset with family, peers or friends. PLAS helps us to act in ways that replace worry with wonder for a far finer day with mental wellbeing at the helm!

We simply act – and the brain does the rest to get new results that replace old neuron pathways and head us toward our targets.
Before Michael Merzenich became the world’s leading researcher on neuro-plasticity, cynics with hard science credentials insisted brainpower and intelligence are fixed and plasticity fictitious. Thanks to persistence and the power of innovation, we now know that learning and leading not only increases one’s intelligence, but also changes the very structure and operation of the brain itself.
Step toward targeted change and plasticity does the rest.

Choices and actions tend to determine mental fuels for angst or adventure as illustrated below.

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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset
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