We enter each day with hidden and unused talents, yet how often do we end a day disappointed and frustrated? If too few opportunities exist for our original offerings we tend to emphasize negativity and brainpower gets wasted. We feel boxed in and disconnected from or critical of others and our talents go undervalued.
In order to see new ROI opportunities it’s vital to support people’s talents and encourage unique ideas. When was the last time you learned from an opposing view, for instance? We spot strengths wherever we treat people more as capital than disposable figures. Consider how we evaluate a person’s worth if they differ from us.
Let’s stop any practice of anonymously rating others’ ideas down, for instance, in ways that would appear to advantage personal positions. What if we engage others about their best or proposals to a problem before we rate them with numbers?
If we evaluate in a way that inspires growth, we begin to notice that people build more on creative ideas, across differences. Critical breakthroughs inside neuro-discoveries support a novel approach to increase innovative opportunities, when we make people capital rather than criticize ideas that differ.
The very brain chemicals that spark innovation, for instance, are also destroyed by finding anonymous ratings that pull down one’s work without engagement of suggested ideas to improve it. Heather Harris, manager at Moncton New Brunswick’s, Business Riverview, suggests that leaders foster a climate where new ideas are welcome, where the status quo is challenged, and where motivation is encouraged. That, Harris suggests, is the best way to capitalize on shared ownership and responsibility at every level of any organization.
Tone sets the pace for Harris, who speaks of listening to be responsive to others. It’s also the best way to know what to keep, what to discard, and what to tweak, Harris suggests.
We design policies that respect people more, by using tone that’s respectful. The body language of policy propels innovation forward, or holds back entire communities. Debate rages over the fact that people who harm others are influenced by toxic tone in some circles. Have you seen it?
Those who claim vicious words don’t lead to vicious actions, may wonder why companies pour millions into ads that influence people to buy certain products. Why so? Because research proves that images and words directly affect our actions.
It’s time to live and lead differently by respectfully engaging people who disagree, and by learning from ideas that differ. To support life-changing leadership is to embrace innovation together, without diminishing other people for personal gain.
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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset