What problem lies in your way at the moment so that you feel unable to transform into an innovative solution? Once you identify that barrier, you set the stage for your brain based solution.
Without question, organizational change can seem daunting at first glance. That’s why we start with new neural discoveries – simply stated – to trigger personal changes that simply step us in the direction of a novel idea worth pursuing.

Why not identify a personal change you’d like to make, and then let’s consider together how to get there?
Have you noticed that traditionally isolated skills rarely work well in conflict settings? We do far better when we combine what I call smart skills. To build resourceful 21st Century solutions we integrate our unique capabilities, by surveying our multiple intelligences. Next step, as you see it…?

The Mita brain-powered approaches described in this blog are less tied to age-old customs and more connected to an openness to explore, discover and risk. We now know a great deal more about how brains wire differently, depending on whether we facilitate others, or command and control, for instance.

My recent example uses Mita’s brain based approach that includes each of the five Mita steps above. 1). My two-footed question: How can we celebrate all women on our upcoming Mother’s Day, rather than exclude many deserving women? 2). My target: a visible opening for excluded women to participate and celebrate on this Mother’s Day. 3). My expectation: clear invitation for excluded moms, daughters, who are alive and memories celebrated for all those women or daughters who have passed on. 4). My movement of brain based tools to act on my innovation includes use of my intrapersonal reflection, and my linguistic ability. I wrote an essay proposal that will appear in The Globe and Mail on May 10th or Globe and Mail online. 5). My reflection tool includes … Where to from here…? In other words I have created my innovation and now I hope to act again to ensure that inclusion becomes the norm in this and other areas where we can care for others and celebrate diversity in ways that benefit all. Think that can happen in ways that move you and those you care about forward?
Mita brain based approaches are simply tools that equip us to look past a problem (such as excluding good women on Mother’s Day) and then proposing or leading a solution that uses new neural discoveries to benefit all. That’s why I shared my latest Mita brain based innovation proposed to Globe and Mail for an improved Mother’s Day opportunity.

What is your problem and which of your multiple intelligences could resolve it?
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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset