What if spring’s approach opened a dynamic opportunity to raise your naturalistic IQ? The interactive posters below encourage visual reminders of how we build curiosity to grow IQ in multiple mental domains. Combine nature and mindfulness!
Spring’s approach offers an ideal time to get to know interesting birds in your area. Open windows into nature’s roles in bird’s lives and your brain.
It’s easy and all you need to get started is a notebook and a desire to get to know how birds interact in the world you and they inhabit. See the method I used to get out and get started in my bird watching project.
First, I researched birds in the Edmonton, Alberta area and then I designed posters to hang around our necks as we tried to track down each of the birds identified. By referring to area bird pictures, I am able to take brief notes in a small notebook and then add my observations onto index cards completed later at home.

Watch, listen and learn from the birds you see. Enjoy the world they too enjoy and discuss with others what you notice that characterizes each bird spotted. You’ll want to speak quietly though to avoid scaring off the more timid birds.
Finally, after you return from your birding venture, it’s time to record your key observations. To do this I created index cards. These cards allow me to file the findings alphabetically. I record the bird’s name (using their identifying pictures hung around my neck).
To make memories, I also add the location where the bird was seen. Sometimes I sketch or paste a photograph of the bird. Add the date, and then research a few fun facts that interest you about that bird. You can find facts on the internet or in field guides such as National Geographic Pocket Guides.
Here are a few further ideas to carry your bird watching fun into additional learning opportunities.
1). Create a haiku about your bird watching venture.
2). Sketch or paint one bird related scene that impressed you most.
3). Compare birds you observed with similar or different birds in another area.
4). Team with other bird watchers to create a poster or project to reflect your findings.
5). Plot and organize statistics about birds you observed.
6). Write a song to describe or reflect on bird songs you listened to.
7). plan your next hike and predict what birds you may observe there.
8). Consider a day from one bird’s view and log your adventures from that perspective.
9). Your additional ideas that engage multiple intelligences?
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Lead Innovation with the Brain in Mind – GUIDE Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset