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Serotonin is a bit like watching a miracle drug at work, since situations blow up and yet it helps us to create calm. At times called a molecule of happiness, serotonin is far more than that in any problem-solving situation when even one person engages its power. Serotonin gives you courage to build skills into solutions that draw from a mix of both hard and soft skills. Simply combine the two into smart skills.
Our mental chemicals often add focus and higher problem solving skills (or smart skills) to transform any ordinary day. How so?
On the golf course, we get finer hits to the green.
In relationships, we score more allies and fewer enemies.
When sleeping, we enjoy more rest at night and focus during days.
In leadership, we attract more support and fewer sneers.
In challenges, we craft innovative possibilities beyond problems.
Interestingly, recent research shows serotonin as more benefit to us than once thought. It’s also true that ordinary events over any day will raise or lower our natural serotonin supplies.
Lesser known, however, is the fact that serotonin and other natural drugs fuel our brains by choice. Calm is far less dependent on daily events that go well, as stress does not need to overtake us, simply because the chips are down. That’s not surprising if we observe people’s daily laughter or the way smart skills build past problems.
Because of higher serotonin levels we’re able to access tools to build problem solving skills in good and bad times. Think of these at hard skills + soft skills for new generation solutions and observe “smart skill” flexibility for the age we are in.
Here are a few power punch enablers that serotonin offers:
We possess naturally about 5 to 10 mg of the chemical as a human.
Serotonin is 90% within our intestines.
The hormone’s additional 10% surges through our blood and brain.
We increase serotonin through foods such as milk, plums, pineapples, turkey, and bananas, as they add amino acid called tryptophan for manufacturing natural wellbeing fuels.
Neurons in the brain release our serotonin, and the levels of release impact many of our skill building behaviors.
Low serotonin levels can cause anxiety, fear, self-pity, insomnia, stress, and depression. All of these conditions detract from our ability to address problems with skills.
Certain drugs, such as Prozac, and even LSD will mimic serotonin in our brains.
Skill building increases when we sustain our serotonin levels in natural ways, and without synthetic drugs. We do this often by simply choosing to do so. Can you see how serotonin is deemed our brain’s miracle drug?
There’s more good news yet. Each time we choose to raise our serotonin levels, we literally rewire the brain’s capability to cultivate more brain benefits on a regular basis. Sound like a winning deal? If so, how will you raise your own and peers’ smart skill building serotonin today?
Few people would refuse tangible offerings for higher brainpower, yet far fewer see themselves as building brainpower through serotonin taps given to others. How so?
Check out common smart skills below and then add one or two to your circle in the coming week. Do stop back to tell us brainpower benefits you noticed.
1. To a golfer, a serotonin tap may be a small bag of nuts with a few yogurt covered peanuts tossed in, and given to fellow golfers on the 1st tee. Ask at the 9th hole – how your serotonin tap impacted scores for the game. Nuts turbo charge our golfing brainpower.
2. To cranky leaders, a serotonin tap may be simply a smile and a few encouraging words. Each time we emulate good tone tools, we help others to rewire mentally for more of the same. We move tone into action by modeling its strengths and in that way set the mental stage for newly inspired insights from multiple intelligences.
3. To an aging neighbor, our serotonin tap may be a challenge to remove barriers and add opportunities for newly discovered adult brain cell regeneration. Many people yearn for a kind of youth-like energy, yet believe common myths that adult brains cannot grow new cells or regenerate old ones. Good news, new neuro discoveries challenge seniors to age voraciously rather than retire graciously.
Smart skills get you visible solutions by tapping your strengths, shoring up weaker areas, and guiding you to show evidence of your unique skills in action.
Looking for strategies that build more smart skills for your learning and leading?
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eweber Post authorWally – you may run short on almonds my friend – but you never run short on a good laugh!!! now that’s serotonin to the peaks:-) and we all benefit. Thanks for leading the way!
eweber Post authorJeanne, thanks for that vote of confidence. To be sure — it’s because I have the honor of interacting with keen leaders like you that I continue to look for ways to say what’s useful in ways that allow leaders to converse and improves what we do to benefit wider communities.Brain based approaches do that and so they keep me motivated to help it happen. Thanks for the encouragement – we can do this together!
Jeanne MaleEllen, you’ve done it again! Your ability to explain these very important and potentially confusing topics in such a compelling and concise way is the epitome of great teaching. Thanks for sharing your gift and your knowledge.
eweber Post authorWow Brad thanks for your kind words. It seems to me that with so many wonderful facts coming out about human brains, that folks should have the joy of living those in some way. And with toxic workplaces becoming a premium, and profitability falling – we need to know tactics to turn that around. The brain is yielding its secrets in just the right time:-)Brad, what I do with words you do so very well with art and cartooning! May your own fine art circle back today for a genuine serotonin tap in ways that prosper!