Life brims over with mystery, and while dynamic revelations open to questioning minds, it takes movement, design and curiosity to live great questions. Have you ever considered what probe can jettison a human mind from its seemingly content position – to a far finer place?
Fortunately, your brain is equipped to both push the bus and ride it at the same time. When good questions fuel your way forward – watch wisdom’s wonder spark your day.
You may be familiar with Rainer Marie Rilke’s, Letters to a Young Poet, where he challenges:
Don’t search for answers now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way to the answer.”
Wisdom’s a bit like hitching your wagon to a distant star. Rilke’s words in no way imply that we ask more and more questions that leave us in circular motion, stagnated, or discontent with our situation. Great questions imply motion, adventure, delight, and innovation – as we chase clues toward mind-bending insights. Do you live questions so that others can see wisdom applied in life-changing responses?
Brain based questions await responses from spaces between head and heart. With wisdom, reason and emotion inseparably meld in delightful balance. Vigorous 2-footed questions invoke responses from many angles of the mind, parts only recently recognized as working well together across logic and emotion.
To question with the brain in mind implies motion you can see and measure wise results against dynamite brain facts that alter and improve a day’s direction. At times you will ride into answers quickly, at other times you will push the bus up horrific hills. Yet wise results depend more on your preparedness to live answers than to buy into new truths. How so?
Smart Skill 3 – Question with the Brain in Mind and Move
Let’s say you disagree with a colleague and question that colleague with a motive of one-upshot. You’re not yet ready to live the brain based question that would disagree by listening first and then asking a growing question, such as – “Have you also considered…?
Listeners grow wiser because of the duel dance between questions and lived innovations. It’s a brain thing. Researchers tell us listening occurs when a protein from the gene TRPA1 turns mechanical sound into electrical information for the brain to interpret. Steven Yantis, at John Hopkins University, also shows that unless the brain focuses on what it hears and interprets then far less activity is noted in areas of the brain related to hearing.
Listening and questioning, provide two oars that move MITA brain based wisdom. While questions spark movement and growth that you can see and measure, they also point to beliefs that prevent or prosper wisdom’s mark. Daily we put feet to core beliefs by choices we make for or against a better way.
For example, if you believe another person can make you sad, angry, regretful, frustrated, or bored, ask this question: How are brain chemicals for well being, contentment, expectation and growth, best fueled and extended today by choices that shift your brain from dangerous chemicals to admirable chemicals? The adrenalines more successful people live.
The key is to live the answers you find. No point asking, “What are natural drugs of choice for turbulent times?” – if you plan to remain a victim to turbulence. To live an answer will move you away from victim-hood and into other states of dynamic motion forward.
Yet, what about people who drag cynicism with them through a week at work, without motivation or evidence of healthy change? Sad for some, questions can help to live new choices, only for people who ask with the mind to hear and play out lived responses. It’s not enough to ask: How does cynicism set mental roadblocks up against creativity, talent, and innovation that adds fulfillment? One has to live the answer, laugh about incongruities, and prepare to jump the barriers with new zest.
Living questions is an active force that few risk in ways to escalate zest for change. It’s not a constant chasing of interesting queries without visible answers that lead to change. Instead, to live brain based questions is to celebrate growth and embrace wonder daily. What mystery of life or work awaits your curiosity to move today, and how will your question allow you to live closer to the edges of wonder or within adventures of mystery?
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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset
Related posts:
Smart skill 1 = Question to Refuel Finances Past Media Fears
Smart skill 2 = Question to Leap Over Life’s Ruts
Smart skill 3 = Question with the Brain in Mind and Move
Smart skill 4 = Question Research to Create Cutting Edge Tools
Smart skill 5 = Question Myths and Reboot Brainpower
Smart skill 6 = Question Ahead for Grandparent or Family Roles
Smart skill 7 = Question to Know How You are Smart
Smart skill 8 = Question with Two Feet to Spark Curiosity
Smart skill 9 = Question Broken Systems with Solutions in Mind
Smart skill10 = Question Brainpower Through Growth Surveys
Pingback: Question to Refuel Finances Past Media Fears – Brain Leaders and Learners
Jacqui, many thanks for your kind words – and generous encouragement. You add serotonin to a writer’s day! Ellen
I love Rainer Marie Wilke’s “Letters to a Young Poet,” in fact, so much so that I had a copy in college, lost it, and tracked down another copy via Amazon a few years ago.
Thank you for resurrecting his wisdom, for applying it to our today, and reminding us that, “… it takes movement, design and curiosity to live great questions.”
Your blog posts are ripe with abundant fruit, ready to be plucked.
Thank you, Ellen!
Pingback: Tenure or Talent? – Brain Leaders and Learners
Pingback: Question Ahead for Grandparent or Family Roles – Brain Leaders and Learners
Pingback: Question with Two Feet to Spark Curiosity – Brain Leaders and Learners
Pingback: Question Brainpower Through Growth Survey – Brain Leaders and Learners
Pingback: Question to Know How You are Smart – Brain Leaders and Learners
Pingback: Question Research to Create Cutting Edge Tools – Brain Leaders and Learners
Pingback: Question Broken Systems with Solutions in Mind – Brain Leaders and Learners
Pingback: Questions to Leap Over Life’s Ruts – Brain Leaders and Learners
Pingback: Question Myths and Reboot Brainpower – Brain Leaders and Learners
Conrad – you make me laugh! Just look what a few days gives to a busy writer! It’s a topic that builds on others and allows one to play with ideas that work. Love you last line on belief! Now you have me thinking!
Oops, forgot to leave my website out! Can’t do that!
Conrad Hakes last blog post..Ah, To Be 18…er, 19 Again!
Wow, Ellen, with your time off over the holidays, you must have stored up a bucket full of good brain chemicals! I can hardly keep up with you – and I’m just reading and thinking.
I love your part about believing that another person make you experience certain negative emotions. The further I go in life, the more I have come to realize that it isn’t “I’ll believe it when I see it.” but rather, “I’ll see it when I believe it.”