Possibility Mindset – Ignite Community with 2-footed Questions

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Does it surprise you that research shows people who spot more possibilities live longer than peers who focus on problems? They light up our circles too! You may ask, What about tough times, when cursing the darkness seems to bat last?  Even when hope seems to fade, possibility thinkers are more apt to light a candle and move innovations forward together in ways that benefit all. Have you seen it? attacks-or-tone

Two-footed questions offer choices that awaken magical new opportunities. Worth a shot?  Imagine illuminating your next step in a way that resets your community’s dial to growth mindset. It relies more on deliberate choice and less on fate. How so?


If you agree – we need lit candles to navigate darker times, then you’ll also likely consider what wonders your candle may spotlight for others in your circles today? Any ideas to help us build a possibility mindset for time we spend together?

A few questions in 2-footed format may wend our trek in new directions

  1. How will you speak up and feel heard on a hot topic? (Ready to brainstorm a response to discover a few doable and fun strategies we’ve missed in past discussions?)  For another 2-footer …
  2. What one routine would you replace with a magical adventure today and how will you contribute to lead that venture shift?
  3. Or, here’s a ringer to propel you out of the gates: What can we do together to awaken curiosity and rejuvenate one pesky thing that’s become for us too routine?

Any inroads for your talents or others interests here? If so, will you tackle a two-pronged question alone or do you prefer to work with others? What about proposing a response along with those who differ most from you?

Looking for more idea-rich questions to trigger your brain? This pack of cards that gives you 64 two-footed questions and many game suggestions that can be played as you enjoy the fun of learning to create sizzler questions on any topic, with ideas connected to topics of interest to you also. What do you think? 2-footed-ques-guide

Learner – led two-footed questions can spark curiosity from both sides of their brains, can cross generations, leapfrog over differences and bring deeper understanding on both sides of key issues. See examples below.

Parents, grandparents and teachers applaud student-led 2-footed questions

 My students exchange and lead two footed questions to gather and use more genuine parental input on relevant course topics. They ask questions ahead of parent visits – related to a topic they are learning at the time, and related to parents’ interests. For a history lesson they might ask, “What brainy solution would you like to teach a world leader?” For a civics lesson, they may ask: “What would you have done to inspire others to uphold a truth in this situation?” In science, they perhaps ask ahead: “How would you defend the opposite of this idea and with what credible evidence?” In math, the two-footed question might be: “How would you explain one difficult problem in an easier way?” Two-footed questions allow parents to speak up and feel heard, and gathering ideas ahead sets the stage for an interactive forum where parents and students relate on classroom topics in ways that engage deeper understanding, through parental and student insights. Students love the challenge of linking content to parental curiosity, and parents enjoy a clearly articulated question with two feet that draw in their unique insights on a lesson topic. It’s a winning mix of talents that often leads learning adventures such as mutual mentoring during parent visitations.

Our team of Innovation Leaders at St. John Fisher College – Dec. 2016

sjfc-2016-innovation-celebrationTwo-footed questions awaken the leadership in all, in an innovation celebration that benefits all concerned!

Timing seems perfect to learn about more leading innovation possibilities from my awesome student leaders – because soon I’ll be leading another community to build circles that reach forward to lead hope in moments of hopelessness!


Described at John Hopkins University  find related brain based tasks and dozens of 2-footed questions at my TpT Site.   Your circle will love to generate and respond to hot topics through these brainy 2-footed zingers!

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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset