If you could go back …?

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What would you do differently, if you could retract one thing? If I could go back 40 years (gosh that’s a long retreat back!) – I’d change my teaching, parenting, and leadership approach in one key area….

I’d tell far less – and question more with 2 feet! Why so? Two-footed questions spark curiosity from both sides of the brain, in ways that awaken curiosity and advance learning.

Described at John Hopkins University , you’ll also find related brain based  tasks at my TpT site.   Enjoy new curiosity and adventure that enters your circles – as learners generate and respond to 2-footed questions!

What if you ask a 2-footed question today and share the response that follows? I just did and now cannot wait to see what innovative insights follows in my circles this week.

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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset