Team Strengths in Differences

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Looking to help teams to benefit from their differences and grow their strengths?  Stu - led Celebration images

FIRST – Have members complete the survey below to discover what differences each brings to strengthen the team:

1. Others recognize my unique strengths. Yes _____ No _____.

2. Different cultures enjoy my leadership.  Yes _____ No _____.

3. Conflicts that arise are best mutually solved. Yes _____ No _____.

4. Most people speak and feel heard at my meetings. Yes _____ No _____.

5. I encourage solutions from many different people. Yes _____ No _____.

6. I enjoy learning from all team members.  Yes _____ No _____.

7. I help all team members to share in a similar vision. Yes _____ No _____.

8. I collaborate with experts and novices with similar curiosity.  Yes _____ No _____.

9. Both genders lead better with my consistent encouragement. Yes _____ No _____.

10. Clashes rarely occur across differences in my teams. Yes _____ No _____.

SECOND Follow-up on survey results.  If members respond Yes to eight or more team strengths that come from differences valued, that group likely applies  brain friendly approaches that lead to peak performances from all.

THIRD – Offer intervention tasks where weaker areas emerged. If they answered No to more than 3 items, for instance, you may wish to help them capitalize on differences more,  through brain based tools such as:

2-footed questions

Two-footed questions

209. Tone to Disagree - Poster

Tone tactics





MI intelligence 1

Multiple Intelligence Survey

interactive learning tasks

Interactive learning and leading tasks

tone tactics
2-footed questioning
brain based targeting
rubrics for shared expectations
multiple intelligences engaged
interactive learning and leading tasks

FINALLY – Build new opportunities for engaging differences,  and watch your team build new neuron pathways toward successful outcomes.

Enjoy these tools to get results that many groups only dream of achieving.

Have you seen it happen?










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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset




One thought on “Team Strengths in Differences

  1. Pingback: Beat Intimidation with Creative Vision – Brain Leaders and Learners

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